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Hope Foundation thanked for rejecting greyhound track fundraising
30 August 2017

A big thank you to The Hope Foundation Ireland for announcing that it has asked volunteers not to fundraise at greyhound tracks.

Responding to an appeal from TRAP (Together against greyhound Racing And its Promotion), a spokesperson from The Hope Foundation stated: "We are an organisation dedicated to reducing suffering in the world and would not wish to be associated with an event that could involve cruelty to animals. HOPE management has made an informed decision and have respectfully requested that going forward, students and volunteers do not use greyhound racing events as HOPE fundraisers."

Fundraisers at greyhound tracks directly support the cruel greyhound industry in which dogs are injured, mutilated, drugged, dumped and killed - the tracks take a significant ticket commission and also profit from food and drink sales on the day. We are appealing to other charities to follow Hope's good example and stay away from tracks in fundraising campaigns.

In December The Hope Foundation was praised by ICABS for rejecting a fundraiser organised by a hunt in Cork. In a statement, the charity said "HOPE in no way supports hunts or any sports or events that cause cruelty or suffering to animals in the name of this charity."

About the Hope Foundation: The Hope Foundation works to help street and slum children and families in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India. Living on the streets, children are exposed to horrendous physical and sexual abuse. Those who survive are left to fend for themselves, with no promise of a safe future. They are forced to work from as young as five years of age to earn money for food and so cannot go to school. HOPE works to free them from child labour. HOPE funds and operates over 60 projects.

To make a donation to The Hope Foundation, please visit

To make a €4 text donation, text 4HOPE to 50300

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