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Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2017
23 December 2016

We wish our friends & supporters a very happy, healthy holiday! Thank you for all your support throughout the year.

Nollaig shonasach agus athbhliain shuaimhneach from all at the Irish Council Against Blood Sports.

Over Christmas and into the New Year, there will be no respite for Ireland's persecuted wildlife. Hares will be running for their lives at coursing meetings and foxes will be chased to exhaustion and ripped apart by packs of hounds.

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports will continue pushing for a ban on this appalling cruelty and an end to the persecution of wildlife.

Please continue supporting our campaign by sharing our Facebook posts, retweeting our tweets, responding to our action alerts, contacting politicians, writing letters to newspapers and, if possible, making a donation to help fund the campaign.

Thank you for your continued support.

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