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Major charities reject foxhunt fundraisers
22 December 2016

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports has thanked Pieta House and the Hope Foundation for rejecting fundraisers organised by foxhunting groups.

A "Hunt for Light" midnight hunt - advertised by the Premier Harriers as a "unique opportunity to see hounds work at night" - has been rejected by Pieta House.

The positive announcement came after ICABS, supported by Pieta House Ambassador actress Rachel Pilkington, highlighted the cruelty of foxhunting to the charity.

An email to ICABS from Pieta House, the charity that reaches out to those contemplating suicide, stated: "Pieta House would like to confirm that we will not be associated with or benefit in any way from the ‘Hunt For Light’ event organised by Premier Harriers in Co Tipperary on December 28. We cannot be seen to have an association with or endorsement of bloodsports, and so we feel it would be inappropriate for us to benefit from or to be associated with a hunt. People across Ireland are so incredibly supportive of Pieta House, but in some cases - such as this one - the manner of the fundraiser is incompatible."

Meanwhile, the Hope Foundation has also responded positively to an ICABS appeal and said no to a hunt fundraiser organised by South County Farmers Hunt in County Cork.

The charity which works to help street and slum children in India told ICABS that it had contacted the organisers of the fundraiser to say "we do not wish to have this fundraiser carried out in the name of HOPE."

A Hope spokesperson stated: "We are an organisation dedicated to reducing suffering in the world and would not wish to be associated with an event involving cruelty to animals. This event has now been cancelled as a fundraiser for HOPE. We have advised that HOPE in no way supports hunts or any sports or events that cause cruelty or suffering to animals in the name of this charity."

ICABS is well aware of the cynicism of the foxhunting fraternity in their public relations exercise of raising funds for charities in order to give themselves and their cruel activities a veneer of respectability and an acceptance in their local communities. Charity fundraisers by hunts play a role in keeping this bloodsport alive and we applaud those charities who reject the hunts' blood money.

A big thank you to Pieta House and the Hope Foundation for their compassionate responses. Please consider making a donation at and

About Pieta House
Pieta House is a Suicide and Self-Harm Crisis Centre, offering a confidential, free-of-charge counselling service. It has 18 centres across Ireland. Freecall 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444.

About the Hope Foundation
The Hope Foundation works to help street and slum children and families in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India. Living on the streets, children are exposed to horrendous physical and sexual abuse. Those who survive are left to fend for themselves, with no promise of a safe future. They are forced to work from as young as five years of age to earn money for food and so cannot go to school. HOPE works to free them from child labour. HOPE funds and operates over 60 projects.

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