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"Foxes are lovely animals": 10-year-old calls for ban on foxhunting
11 March 2016

A kind-hearted 10-year-old is calling on members of the next government to finally outlaw foxhunting. Shocked by the sight of a hunt in her area, compassionate Ciara Lawlor composed an open letter to the politicians who have the power to bring bloodsports to an end.

In the letter, she wrote: "Dear government, can you please stop the fox hunting. They are nice animals like we are humans. They [the hunters] trespass, they hunt. Foxes are lovely animals. I was nearly crying in the car going by the horses. The horses block the road and they don't let any thing by the road."

Ciara ends her powerful letter with an appeal to TDs to "Please Stop the Hunt".

Ciara's mother, Linda [who manages the Native Woodland Trust], outlined to ICABS the background to the letter - "We were coming through Kilteel village in County Kildare on our way home when about 50 people on horses blocked the road. Ciara asked what was going on and I explained. Her eyes immediately welled up and she said: 'Mam, how can they be so cruel.' When we got home, without me saying anything, she drafted that letter."

Foxes are indeed lovely animals and they should be allowed to live free from cruelty. Please join Ciara in calling for an end to foxhunting in Ireland.


Sign the "Ban Blood Sports in Ireland" petition

Contact all your local TDs and urge them to push for a ban on foxhunting [and all forms of cruelty to animals]. Find out their names and contact details at

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