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"Finally we’ve managed to convince the local farmer to ban hunting from his land"
23 September 2011
An ICABS supporter tells us about a successful appeal to a local farmer to make his land off-limits to foxhunters.
Hunters admit that "without the co-operation of landowners, hunting would cease to exist". So please be inspired to approach landowners in your area and urge them to keep hunts out...
Finally we’ve managed to convince the local farmer to ban hunting from his land.
He had a strange assumption that, because the hunt had crossed his land for decades, they had a right to do so. But we kept saying "you’re the land owner, you can ban them any time you choose." So he rang them up and did so. He seemed genuinely surprised how easy it was.
We have volunteered to pay for signs and he’s agreed we can attach them to his gates. He’s phoned the hunt joint master last night who has agreed to keep the hounds off his land.
Apparently this will "cause remarks" amongst his friends, some of whom ride with the hounds.
There’s a fox and cubs in the next field so its very good news for them.
Find out more about how to make land off-limits to hunters on our Farmers Page
10 reasons to keep hunters off your land
Download, print and distribute to all farmers / landowners in your area.
10 reasons to keep hunters off your land
After reading our new information sheet, act to make your land off-limits to hunters. Please print and distribute to all landowners in your area. Thank you.
10 Reasons to Keep Hunters Out
10 reasons to Keep Hunters Off Your Land
How to keep hunters off your land
In advance of the hunt season, send a warning-off letter by registered post to all hunt masters in your area. You may also wish to put a notice in your local newspaper to highlight that your land is strictly off-limits. These are both optional - hunters have no right to enter lands without permission and it is unacceptable for them to claim that they didn't know that your lands are private and preserved.
Immediately contact the Gardai if members or followers of the hunt trespass on your land. Under the Control of Dogs Act, dogs must be kept "under effectual control" so if hunt hounds come on to property where they do not have permission to be, the Gardai should be notified. Try and take photos or video footage as evidence.
Contact the Gardai also if there is a breach of Section 44 of the Wildlife Act. This makes it an offence for any person who is not the owner or occupier of land to carry onto that land, without permission, any firearm, net, or other weapon, instrument or device capable of being used for hunting a wild bird or a wild animal.
If trespass occurs, ascertain the name of the hunt and the person in charge. Have the damage independently assessed and contact your solicitor with a view to seeking compensation. Avoid accepting an informal apology from the hunt or "off the record" payment as this is unlikely to stop further trespass.
Find out more on our Farmers/Landowners page.
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