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Scrap metal company urged to scrap coursing sponsorship
25 November 2014

Scrap recycling company, United Metals, is being urged to scrap its sponsorship of cruel coursing. According to a coursing website, United Metals was one of the sponsors of this month's Nenagh hare coursing meeting.

In an email to the Limerick-based company, ICABS highlighted the suffering of hares that are snatched from the wild and used as live bait for greyhounds to chase.

“In coursing, hares that have been forcefully snatched from the wild are used as live bait for greyhounds to chase,” we stated. “All the hares suffer fear and stress due to manhandling, confinement and being forced to run for their lives. The hares which are hit and mauled by the dogs suffer painful injuries such as broken bones and dislocated hips. We have heard the cries of hares when they are knocked off their feet and mashed into the ground.”

We added: “Considering the inherent animal cruelty, no modern self-respecting company should in any way sponsor hare coursing. We appeal to United Metals to show compassion for the hares and side with the majority who want this cruel activity banned. Please end your sponsorship of hare coursing.”

Images showing hares running for their lives at the Nenagh coursing meet may be viewed at


Join us in urging United Metals to scrap its hare coursing sponsorship.

Email “Scrap your hare coursing sponsorship” to

United Metals Recycling
Eastway Business Park,
Ballysimon, Limerick
Tel: 061 60 38 48

Videos: Ireland's cruel hare coursing

Videos: Drag coursing, the humane alternative to hare coursing

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