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Another season of coursing cruelty to begin this weekend
26 September 2013

Hares will again be running for their lives this weekend with the start of another hare coursing season. The cruelty continues with a licence from Minister Jimmy Deenihan who has disregarded the suffering, injury and death caused to hares in coursing.

This week on RTE Radio's Today Show with Sean O'Rourke, a pro-coursing report included the pitiful cry of a hare caught in a net set by coursers. This sound is being replicated thousands of times around the country as hares are violently removed from their habitats to be used as live lures for greyhounds.

Please join us as we continue to push for a ban on this deplorable bloodsport.

Hare Coursing Gallery - Image 4


Sign anti-coursing petitions
Petition to Ban horrific Hare Coursing Cruelty in Ireland
Stop sponsoring hare coursing in Ireland
Find more petitions on our Petitions Page

Ask Minister Deenihan to respect the wishes of the majority who want hare coursing banned and to withdraw the coursing licence.

Jimmy Deenihan, TD
Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2

Tel: (01) 631 3804
Fax: (01) 661 1201

Constituency Details
18A The Square, Listowel, Co Kerry
Telephone: 068-57446
Fax: 068-57805

In 2003, Enda Kenny told ICABS: "I am opposed to the practice of live hare coursing." Today, join us in urging him to intervene to stop another season of coursing.

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
Department of the Taoiseach,
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-6194020
Fax: 01-6764048

Urge your local TDs to back a ban on cruel hare coursing:
Find out the name of your TDs and their email addresses.

Write to your TDs at:
Dail Eireann
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.

Shameful: Jimmy Deenihan issues licence for a 2013-14 hare coursing season
16 August 2013

Minister Jimmy Deenihan has ignored the suffering, injury and death caused to hares in coursing and shamefully issued a licence for a 2013-14 season.

The licence issued by the Kerry North TD allows coursing clubs all around Ireland to capture hares from the wild for another season of coursing cruelty.

Coursers will be out with their nets, snatching timid hares from the wild for use as live lures before greyhounds at coursing meetings. There are in the region of 90 2- or 3-day coursing meetings held around Ireland between October to February; each uses approximately 100 hares. As in the past, pregnant and nursing hares may also be snatched up in the nets, leaving vulnerable young behind in the wild.

The coursing licences Deenihan has approved will cause immeasurable suffering to thousands of hares. Hares will suffer the fear and stress of being captured from the wild and forced to run for their lives in front of greyhounds.

This latest licence comes as a huge disappointment to the majority who want blood sports banned. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports' campaign will continue, however, until the day coursing becomes history.

"Whatever I can do for coursing while I am in this job, I will certainly do it." Minister Jimmy Deenihan at a coursing function at the Charleville Park Hotel on March 24th, 2012

The 2013-14 hare coursing licence issued by Jimmy Deenihan and the NPWS

Videos: Ireland's Hare Coursing Cruelty

More ICABS Videos

More information about hare coursing

Coursing: Leaflet | Photos | Videos | Petition

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