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Columnist criticised for suggesting hunter invitation
10 January 2013

Irish Daily Mail columnist, Tom Doorley, has been criticised for suggesting that Ireland should consider inviting hunters to visit during The Gathering.

Speaking on 2FM's Colm Hayes show on 7th January, Mr Doorley said "I'm not a pro-hunting lobbyist by any means. My own view is each to their own. I wouldn't like to do it but I'm not going to stop other people doing it. If we have that to offer, should we not [offer it]?"

Describing hunting as "highly controversial", he went on to say that while he isn't anti-hunting, he wouldn't want to participate in a hunt. "I don't see what's fun about chasing animals across the countryside and killing them," he said.

"You can tell how civilised a nation is by the way it treats its animals," one listener texted in to the Colm Hayes show. "Please don't offer hunting as a holiday activity."

In a message to Tom Doorley, ICABS expressed disappointment at his suggestion that an invitation be extended to hunters. Hunting involves extreme cruelty to animals, we told him, and its shameful continuation in Ireland will prove to be a major blemish on our country's international reputation during the Gathering year.

If you would like to hear the full item, download the show podcast and forward to the 7 minute 55 second mark.

Videos: Ireland's Foxhunting Shame

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