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Fianna Fail Vice President "strongly opposed" to cruelty
06 November 2012

Fianna Fail Vice President, Senator Mary White, has told the Irish Council Against Blood Sports that she is "strongly opposed to the cruelty and mistreatment of animals" and that she and her party will "do our best to address the issue".

Senator White was responding to correspondence from ICABS in which we highlighted the cruelty of bloodsports, including digging out and terrierwork. We presented photos showing horrendous injuries sustained by Irish foxes when terriers are sent below ground to attack them.

"I find the images provided disturbing and detest the vulgar activities you mentioned in the letter which go on out of public view in the secluded countryside," Senator White stated. "I feel this is an important issue and every politician and lover of animals has a responsibility to raise awareness among the public."

"I commend the Minister [Simon Coveney] for condemning these heartless acts of cruelty and support his statement referring to these activities, such as digging out, as 'unacceptable'," she added. See Agriculture Minister condemns digging out as "unacceptable"

ICABS has thanked Senator White for her statement. We are asking her and party colleagues to urge Minister Coveney to act to ensure that digging out and terrierwork are among the cruelties outlawed under the new Animal Health and Welfare Bill.


Please urgently telephone/email TDs and ask them to support amendments to the Bill which aim to outlaw fox hunting, hare coursing, digging out, terrierwork, etc.

Phone TDs at 01-618 3000.
Email TDs from
Or find out individual email addresses of TDs on the Irish Government Website
Arrange a meeting with your TDs at their local clinics. Contact us for details.

Urge Minister Simon Coveney to amend the Bill to include protection for hares and foxes. Tell him that as he finds digging out "unacceptable", he must not hesitate to outlaw it.

Tel: 01-607 2884 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01 661 1013 and 021 437 4862

Join us in urging Fianna Fail and all political parties to support the introduction of bans on hare coursing, foxhunting and all forms of cruelty to animals. Please contact the parties now, as well as your local TDs, and call on them to end cruelty.

Micheal Martin, TD
Leader, Fianna Fail
137 Evergreen Road,
Turner's Cross, Cork.

Tel: 021-432 00 88 (Constituency Office)
Tel: 01-618 3000 (Dail)

Encourage all political parties to act to protect animals from bloodsport cruelty.
Click on the link to find out their contact details.

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