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SUCCESS: "Hunter" listing removed from FAS website
07 August 2012

Details of a wild game hunter internship have been removed from the FAS website, following complaints. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports called on the training and employment authority to show compassion and stop listing internships involving the killing of wildlife.

The listing had stated that "the intern will gain practical experience in wild game hunting."

Thanking ICABS for bringing it to their attention, FAS responded by explaining that "due to an IT glitch, this particular advertisement did manage to evade a preliminary validation check which all adverts must undergo."

We thank FAS for their speedy response in removing the listing.


Ask FAS to reject listings for jobs or internships that involve the killing of Irish wildlife.

FAS Head Office
27-33 Upper Baggot Street
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 (0)1 607 0500
Fax: +353 (0)1 607 0608

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