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Dogfight puppy found with snapped jaw - witnesses sought
27 July 2012

Dublin SPCA is appealing for information from the public following the discovery of a badly injured puppy believed to have been used as bait during illegal dogfighting activities. Read the Evening Herald article below for more details and please contact the Gardai or DSPCA if you have any information about those responsible for this barbarity.

The puppy put down after suffering horrendous injuries.

Bloody pup used as bait in dog fights
Evening Herald, July 26 2012

This puppy was found covered in blood and in excruciating pain from a snapped jaw and puncture wounds on a Dublin housing estate.

Animal welfare officers fear he could have been used as a 'bait dog' in illegal dog fights.

The staffy-cross pup, who screamed in agony when he was touched, had to be put to sleep by the Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA).

Inspector Liam Kinsella found the 10 to 12-week-old dog at the Harelawn estate after being alerted by a member of the public. The extent of the injuries meant that he could not be saved.

The DSPCA is asking for witnesses on 01 499 4700.

Fiona Dillon

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