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SUCCESS: Trip Advisor removes cruel bullrun from "Quirky Festivals" list
03 July 2012

Trip Advisor has responded positively to an ICABS appeal and removed the cruel Pamplona bullrun from its "10 Quirky Festivals" list.

In an email to the company, ICABS asked:

"What's quirky about taunting and terrorising bulls along narrow village streets during which they are at risk of slipping and sustaining injuries such as broken bones? The bulls used in Pamplona are subjected to appalling abuse - they're hit and prodded (sometimes with electric shock prods) by bullrun participants and scared into stampeding.

"What's quirky about an event that puts people's lives at risk? People lured to Pamplona by upbeat recommendations, similar to the Trip Advisor one, have found themselves being carried away - dead or paralysed with serious lifelong injuries. A BBC News correspondent described one such incident as follows: 'The fighting bull which gored [the victim] weighed half a tonne. It hit him in the abdomen, severed a main artery, sliced through his kidney and punctured his liver, before tossing him seven metres in the air...he died in hospital of massive blood loss.'

"What's quirky about an event that culminates with the slow torture to death of bulls in the local bullring? Irish humanitarian journalist Don Mullan vividly conveyed the horror of bullfighting in an Irish Times report. Describing matadors as 'cowardly butchers' he told of how he witnessed an injured bull convulsing, a bull bleeding from its mouth and nose with 'its tormented cries clearly audible' and a bull with its front covered in 'liquid crimson'.

A big thank you to Trip Advisor for dropping the Pamplona bullrun from its list.


Send a thank you message to Trip Advisor and ask them to follow up their positive move with the removal of all bullrun-related information from Tripadvisor websites.

TripAdvisor LLC,
141 Needham Street,
MA 02464, USA

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Fax: 001 617-670-6301

Removed from Trip Advisor festival list - the cruel Pamplona bullrun.

Trip Advisor urged to remove bullrun from "Quirky Festivals" list
27 June 2012

ICABS is urging Trip Advisor to remove the cruel Pamplona bullrun from its "10 Quirky Festivals" list.

In an email to the company, ICABS asked:

What's quirky about taunting and terrorising bulls along narrow village streets during which they are at risk of slipping and sustaining injuries such as broken bones?
The bulls used in Pamplona are subjected to appalling abuse - they're hit and prodded (sometimes with electric shock prods) by bullrun participants and scared into stampeding.

What's quirky about an event that puts people's lives at risk?
People lured to Pamplona by upbeat recommendations, similar to the Trip Advisor one, have found themselves being carried away - dead or paralysed with serious lifelong injuries. A BBC News correspondent described one such incident as follows: "The fighting bull which gored [the victim] weighed half a tonne. It hit him in the abdomen, severed a main artery, sliced through his kidney and punctured his liver, before tossing him seven metres in the air...he died in hospital of massive blood loss."

What's quirky about an event that culminates with the slow torture to death of bulls in the local bullring?
Irish humanitarian journalist Don Mullan vividly conveyed the horror of bullfighting in an Irish Times report. Describing matadors as "cowardly butchers" he told of how he witnessed an injured bull convulsing, a bull bleeding from its mouth and nose with "its tormented cries clearly audible" and a bull with its front covered in "liquid crimson".

Black bull on ground behind barrier with tongue limply hanging out
Another victim of the Pamplona bullrun. The bulls are beaten and prodded to make them run and are later killed brutally in the local bullring. (Photo: BBC)

Bull sticking horn into body of falling man
A man is gored by a bull during the Pamplona bullrunning festival. (Photo: AP)

Man on ground next to bull
The horn of a bull dangerously makes contact with the head of a man during the cruel Pamplona bullrun. (Photo: Yahoo)

Bulls running along street
A man falls to the ground during the Pamplona bullrun as one of the bulls gores a spectator.

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