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Pro-hunt restaurateur says "fe**" animal rights activists
21 March 2012

"Fe**" animal rights activists - the words of a pro-hunt restaurateur who wrote in the Sunday Times this month that she has been involved with the Ward Union for years.

Gillian Ronan - owner of the Town Bar and Grill restaurant on Dublin's Kildare Street and a sister of Treasury Holdings' Johnny Ronan - wrote in the "My Week" column on 11th March that "we used to hunt back home and since coming to live in Dublin years ago, we've been involved with the Ward Union, which is a stag hunt."

She added: "Someone recently said to me 'you shouldn't be giving that information to people because the animal rights activists might not like it.' Well, fe** them. How many animal rights activists are coming in to support my restaurant?"

The Ward Union's cruel deer hunting activities were banned two years ago. The Wildlife Amendment Act 2010 states that "a person who hunts deer with two or more dogs shall be guilty of an offence."

In 2004, Ward Union member, Johnny Ronan, was described by Star Sunday as one of Ireland's "powerful millionaire business moguls who get their kicks hunting terrified animals".

Star Sunday exposes millionaire members of hunt
(ICABS News Item, 14 March 2004)

"Powerful millionaire business moguls who get their kicks hunting terrified animals" - Star Sunday's description of Ward Union members, Michael Bailey and Johnny Ronan.

"Two of Ireland's most prominent businessmen get their kicks chasing defenceless deer across the countryside," the report stated. "Property developer Michael Bailey is one of the masters of the controversial Ward Union stag hunt, whose members like nothing better than to pursue a fleeing deer on horseback with a pack of hounds."

"Millionaire Treasury Holdings boss Johnny Ronan is also a member of the club and he participated in a hunt north of Dublin two weeks ago with Bailey and other members. Mr Bailey owns the large building company Bovale Developments, while Mr Ronan - also a property developer - was ranked at 61 on Ireland's rich list last year."

Banned: Ward Union Stag Hunt

Slideshow: the cruelty of carted deer hunting


According to the Wildlife Amendment Act 2010, "a person who hunts deer with two or more dogs shall be guilty of an offence." If you reside in the area where the Ward Union operates, please familiarise yourself with the Wildlife Amendment Act 2010 and report any breaches to the Gardai.

For the phone numbers of Garda stations, please visit:

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