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Tens of thousands witness plight of hare
07 February 2012
Tens of thousands of Metro Herald readers have witnessed the continuing cruelty of coursing. A front page photo of a greyhound making contact with a hare provided a stark reminder of the suffering of hares snatched from the wild and used as live lures in the blood sport.
In a letter to the editor, one reader said that the image which appeared on the cover of the January 31st edition "made me feel disgusted and sick to the stomach". She criticised the newspaper for its light-hearted treatment of the issue - a caption referred to the hare as being "hareborne" and made no mention of the suffering being caused.
"Hare coursing is classified as a 'blood sport' and should be treated with the same attitude as hunting or badger baiting, and showing photos such as this only serves to perpetuate this barbaric 'sport'," she commented.
If you would like to respond to the photo, Metro Herald's contact details appear below:
Email: mail@metrohearld.ie
SMS: Text MAIL with comment to 53131
Readers respond to coursing image
A bad hare day
Metro Herald, 3rd February 2012
I would like to express my disgust at the photo on the front page of yesterday's edition of Metro Herald.
Why the editors chose to print a photo of a terrified and exhausted animal being chased and thrown into the air is beyond me.
The very image made me feel disgusted and sick to the stomach.
The fact that it was presented in a light-hearted way only deepened these feelings.
Hare coursing is classified as a 'blood sport' and should be treated with the same attitude as hunting or badger baiting, and showing photos such as this only serves to perpetuate this barbaric 'sport'.
Maria, Dublin
Course not
Metro Herald, 3rd February 2012
I'd have preferred not to see a picture of animal cruelty on the front of yesterday's Metro Herald. Just because coursing is referred to as a 'sport' doesn't make it right. You only glorified the cruelty being inflicted on these animals.
Coursing cruelty
Metro Herald, 1st February 2012
The only reason the dogs are wearing muzzles is because of the sheer persistence of animal welfare groups.
Previously, dogs were allowed to tear apart live hares - how would you like to look at that picture overy your breakfast?
There is nothing 'natural' about hare coursing. It was introduced to Ireland by the Black and Tans.
The hares are captured and then released, terrified and disorientated, into a fenced run in front of hundred of baying onlookers to be pursued by two trained, blooded greyhounds.
Too many people are either uninformed or hide behind the terms 'natural' or 'sport' to justify this barbaric 'pastime'.
Real Animal Lover,
Contact all your local TDs now. Tell them you are one of the majority who want coursing banned. Remind them that coursing is already illegal in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Urge them to respect the wishes of the majority of the electorate and back the anti-coursing bill being introduced by Maureen O'Sullivan, TD and Clare Daly, TD.
Find out the names of your TDs and their email addresses.
If you prefer to post a letter to your TDs, address your correspondence to:
Dáil Éireann
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.
How to eliminate the hare from coursing
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