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Complaint to Mexican Ambassador about bull abuse
27 January 2012

ICABS has complained to the Mexican Ambassador to Ireland about the cruel Embalse de Toros event. Please join our calls for a ban on this appalling animal abuse which involves tying bulls to boats and dragging them through a river.

During the cruel event, due to be held again at the beginning of February in Tlacotalpan (Veracruz state), bulls are captured, roped to the sides of boats and pulled through the water. When released wet and exhausted on the riverbank, the creatures are taunted and abused by a raucous, drunken crowd.

A bull is dragged through a river during the cruel Embalse de Toros event in Tlacotalpan. (Photo: CAS International)

Quoted by Reuters, one local resident stated that "people cut off their ears and kick them". Online videos and photos show the tails of bulls being pulled and the animals being dragged with ropes and hit.

Describing the abuse as unacceptable, ICABS has asked Ambassador Carlos Garcia de Alba to convey our calls for a ban to the relevant authorities in Mexico.


Contact the authorities in Tlacotalpan and Veracruz. Urge them to Stop the Embalse de Toros.

Click Here to send an email to:

Javier Duarte de Ochoa, Governor of Veracruz
Esperanza Burela Villegas, Mayor of Tlacotalpan
Gloria Guevara Manzo, Minister of Tourism of Mexico
The Mexico Tourism Board

Write to the Mexican Ambassador and express your support for a ban on the Embalse de Toros.

Carlos Garcia de Alba
Mexican Ambassador to Ireland
19 Raglan Road,
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Phone: +353 (0)1 667 3105
Fax: +353 (0)1 664 1013

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