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Brennan Group of Hotels asked to disassociate from hare coursing
19 July 2012

A hotel that wished luck to a coursing club has been told that hares were injured and died at the meeting. Kilkenny's Springhill Court hotel, which is part of the Brennan Group of Hotels, stated in a coursing booklet advert: "the best of luck to Sevenhouses coursing club".

In a renewed appeal to the Brennan Group, ICABS presented disturbing details from a National Parks and Wildlife Service report (obtained under Freedom of Information) which show that at this year's Sevenhouses coursing meeting, 12 hares were hit by greyhounds, 1 hare was killed, 4 hares were injured and 1 hare was put down because of injuries.

A photo gallery on a pro-coursing website shows hares desperately running for their lives at the Sevenhouses meeting. These images have been brought to the attention of the Brennan Group as well as to the manager of Springhill Court hotel.

Another hotel in the chain, the Clonmel Park Conference Leisure & Spa Hotel, has also been previously criticised for its association with coursing. Hare coursing was publicised on its website while a hotel advert in a coursing booklet welcomed coursers and stated that coursing videos would be shown nightly at the hotel.

"It is incredible that a modern hotel chain unashamedly associates with an animal cruelty activity which causes injury and death to hares," we stated in an email to the company. "From a business perspective, it is surprising that you don't take into consideration the fact that businesses which back animal cruelty risk being shunned by potential customers among the majority who oppose bloodsports."


Please join us in appealing to the Brennan Hotels group to act with compassion and fully disassociate its hotels from coursing cruelty.

Sales and Marketing Director
Brennan Hotels Group
Email Via:

Mr Seamus O’Carroll
General Manager:
Springhill Court Hotel
Waterford Rd, Kilkenny
Tel: +353 56 7721122
Fax: +353 56 7761600
Springhill Court Hotel Facebook Page

Kilkenny's Springhill Court hotel wishes luck to coursing club
19 January 2012

ICABS is calling on the Brennan Group of Hotels to disassociate from hare coursing. The appeal follows another of the group's hotels advertising in a coursing meeting booklet.

In the January 2012 booklet for the Sevenhouses coursing club, an advert appears for Springhill Court hotel in Kilkenny. Above the Brennan Hotels logo, the wording in the advert is: "A very warm welcome to all of our English visitors this weekend, and the best of luck to Sevenhouses coursing club".

A link to a gallery of photos showing hares desperately running for their lives at the Sevenhouses meeting has been brought to the attention of the Brennan Group as well as to the manager of Springhill Court hotel.

"It is incredible that a modern hotel chain unashamedly associates with coursing cruelty," we stated in an email to the company. "From a business perspective, it is surprising that you don't take into consideration the fact that businesses which back animal cruelty risk being shunned by potential customers among the majority who oppose bloodsports."

Springhill Court hotel (part of the Brennan Group) welcomed coursers from England and wished Sevenhouses coursing club "the best of luck"

The Springhill Court hotel is the latest Brennan Hotel to be linked to coursing. Previously, complaints have been made to Clonmel Park Conference Leisure & Spa Hotel about the publicisation of hare coursing on its website and a hotel advert in a coursing booklet which welcomed coursers and stated that coursing videos would be shown nightly at the hotel.

Hare coursing subjects hares to an appalling ordeal. They are violently captured from the wild in nets, transported in crates and kept in captivity for weeks before being forced to run for their lives in front of greyhounds. The stress they endure leave them at risk of dying from capture myopathy during or after coursing.

Hares hit by the greyhounds suffer agonising internal injuries such as broken bones and dislocated hips. Every coursing season, hares are injured and killed (please see below for a list of just some of the victims).


Please join us in appealing to the hotel to act with compassion and fully disassociate from coursing cruelty.

Mr S O’Carroll
General Manager:
Springhill Court Hotel
Waterford Rd, Kilkenny
Tel: +353 56 7721122
Fax: +353 56 7761600

The victims of coursing

All hares used in coursing are victims and they all suffer the fear and stress of being violently snatched from their habitats, thrown into crates, transported to coursing compounds and kept in captivity for months. Among the hare injuries and deaths recorded are:

Slideshow: the cruelty of hare coursing in Ireland

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