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Hunters and hounds at Ballymaloe House on New Year's Day
05 January 2012

A selection of photos showing hunters and hounds at Ballymaloe House on New Year's Day 2012. Please support our action alert below which calls on the Allen Family at Ballymaloe to show compassion for the victims of hunting and keep hunters out.

(Photos: Katie McGroarty/ARAN,

Quotes: Ballymaloe and hunters

"The hunt traditionally meets at Ballymaloe House on New Year’s Day only, since long before I was born. The welcome of Ballymaloe House is world famous and we are always anxious, when we can, to uphold that traditional country hospitality." Rachel Allen, 4th January 2012

"Traditionally the local hunt meet in this area on New Years Day and as we are in the hospitality business we offer the families and friends a mince pie and a drink..." Hazel Allen, Ballymaloe House, 21 December 2011

See also:
Celeb chef Rachel Allen’s fair game in Facebook hunt pic
Rachel's shooting spree - hardly what audi wanted for a free €75,000 4X4
TV chef Rachel Allen enrages Facebook users with pheasant kill photo

Hunt to depart from Ballymaloe House on New Year's Day
20 December 2011

Ballymaloe House in Cork is to again host a hunt this New Year's Day. In a current "special offer", the country house is trying to attract guests with the promise of mulled wine, mince pies and a chance to see the local hunt setting off from the property.

A notice on the Ballymaloe bookings page outlines that the offer includes: "complimentary afternoon tea and cake during your stay and mulled wine with mince pies on New Year's morning [2012] when the local hunt departs from Ballymaloe".

More details are given on marketing website, Ireland's Blue Book, which outlines that visitors to Ballymaloe can "act as a spectator or join in with the local hunt as it departs from Ballymaloe".

"Chose to put on your riding boots or wrap your hands around a warming glass of mulled wine as the hounds get excited," it adds.

Ballymaloe House is owned by members of the Allen Family. Despite conveying concern for wildlife on its website - "the grounds are a haven for wildlife" - hunters and hounds have been invited on to the property for years.

In 2002, ICABS highlighted how Darina Allen "wined and dined" members of a local hunt. A photograph of the celebrity cook published in the Irish Field newspaper showed her serving mince pies to a mounted Cloyne Harriers huntsman outside Ballymaloe House. According to the accompanying report, "there was a bottomless supply of lovely mulled wine and delicious mince pies" at the New Year's Day lawn meet.


Please contact Ballymaloe House and urge management to show compassion for the victims of hunting by keeping hunters and hounds out. If its association with hunts would make you avoid staying at the property or purchasing Ballymaloe-related products, please make this clear in your correspondence.

The Manager
Ballymaloe House
Co. Cork

Tel: +353 (0)21 4652 531
Twitter: @Ballymaloe
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