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Former ICABS vice-chairman set to become Ireland's 9th President
28 October 2011

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports congratulates Michael D Higgins who will become the 9th President of Ireland. Michael is a former vice-chairperson of ICABS.

During the presidential campaign, his team issued a statement to remind voters that "Michael D Higgins has a long track record of commitment to the campaign against bloodsports."

ICABS is delighted that the new President is anti-bloodsports. We wish him well in his Presidency.

Michael D Higgins and blood sports

Michael D Higgins is a former vice-chairperson of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports.

"I must say it is absolutely outrageous to suggest that I and any Member of the Labour Party are in favour of cruelty to animals or bloodsports." Comment made during a debate on the Wildlife (Amendment) Bill 2010 which banned the Ward Union staghunt, 24 June 2010. Michael D Higgins spoke out against the bill that banned the Ward Union hunt but absented himself from the final vote on medical grounds.

"Michael D Higgins has a long track record of commitment to the campaign against bloodsports."
Michael D Higgins Campaign Team, Oct 24, 2011

"The barbaric practice of hare coursing should be stopped immediately...There are many ways of encountering life, wildlife in particular. On Second Stage I asked Senators to recall their experience as children of holding an injured bird or animal in their hand. They respected it and wondered at it. It is a terrible reflection on them that as educated adults they find it necessary to go coursing for entertainment...Other Senators have said that I should know better because I am from an area where coursing is strong. That is one of the reasons I am insisting on this. I am from that area and so I know what coursing is. In accenting these amendments I think we would be making a beginning towards the elimination of cruelty in society."
Wildlife Bill, 1975: Committee Stage 26 November 1975

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