Capture of protected bird sparks fresh calls for Larsen trap ban

ICABS has renewed its appeal to Minister Jimmy Deenihan to ban cruel Larsen traps. The call comes following a Veterinary Ireland Journal report which reveals that a protected buzzard found itself caught in one of the traps.

In the publication's August 2011 edition, vet Feargal O Cuinneagain states: "Many of my clients know that I have an interest in birds, and will call me if they spot something unusual. This buzzard was caught accidentally in a Larsen trap. The farmer called me out to check for injuries before he released him back into the wild. As you can see, some of his tail feathers have been damaged in his efforts to flee from the trap."

"The fact that it is now on record that protected Irish buzzards can get caught in Larsen traps must surely now compel you to urgently ban them," ICABS commented in an email to Minister Deenihan.

We have also renewed our appeal to the Golden Eagle Trust to stop promoting the use of Larsen traps on its website.

"It's untenable for your group to, on the one hand, appeal to members of the public to avoid activities that threaten protected birds while, on the other, suggest on your own website the use of a trap that is a threat to birds," we stated.

Find out more about our Ban cruel Larsen traps campaign


Please join us in calling on the Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs to urgently introduce a ban on Larsen traps.

Minister for Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht Affairs
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2

[with a copy to - An Taoiseach]
Tel: (01) 631 3802
Fax: (01) 661 1201

Photos: Larsen trap cruelty

Video: Magpie caught in cruel Larsen trap

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