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Landowners: Help save the Irish Hare
12 August 2011

With a licence from Minister Jimmy Deenihan, Ireland's coursers are currently netting hares for their cruel blood sport and will continue to do so over the coming months. The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on landowners to act to protect hares and keep coursers out.

If you are a landowner, please download, laminate and display copies of our poster - "Hare Sanctuary - No Coursing, No Netting, No Hunting".

Please note that the licence does not give coursers the right to enter land without permission so if a trespass occurs on your land, please contact the Gardai immediately. The contact details for Garda Stations can be found on If possible, take photos and video footage to present as evidence to the Gardai.

Thank you.

Download the poster now
(pdf, 92kb)

Hare Sanctuary - No Coursing, No Netting, No Hunting - A4 Poster

For more information about how you can help protect Irish animals from blood sports cruelty, please visit our Farmers/Landowners page

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