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Encourage Enda Kenny to End Animal Cruelty
06 June 2011

Please contact An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, and urge him to end foxhunting, hare coursing and all forms of animal cruelty in Ireland.

Also get in touch with all your local TDs (either at their constituency offices or at Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2) asking them to push for a ban on blood sports.

Find out the name of your TDs and their email addresses.


Ask Enda Kenny to ban foxhunting, coursing and all forms of animal cruelty in Ireland. Express your support for the ban on carted deerhunting and urge him to keep this in place.

Tel: 01-619 4020 / 619 4021 / 619 4043
Fax: 01-6764048

Videos: Ask Enda Kenny to ban these cruel bloodsports

Please download and display our action alert poster

Enda - End Animal Cruelty Please Download and Display (pdf file)

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