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Panda asked to scrap hunting website advert
14 April 2011

Update: The ads for Panda and EMS Copiers are no longer present on the HAI website. Thank you to everyone who took part in this action alert.

Waste collection company, Panda, has been asked by ICABS to stop advertising on the Hunting Association of Ireland website.

In an email to the company, we highlighted that among the cruel activities featured on this site are foxhunting, harrier hunting and beagling.

"We invite you to visit which features videos showing the suffering caused to wildlife by hunting activities," we stated, adding that "hunting is opposed by a majority of Irish people."


Please contact the Panda company and ask them to stop advertising on the Hunting Association of Ireland website. If its connection to hunting would make you choose an alternative waste collection service, please make this clear.

Eamon Waters
Managing Director
Bauparc Business Park
Navan, Co. Meath

Phone: 046 9024111 or LoCall 1850 62 62 62
Fax: 046 90 24 189

Other companies advertising on the blood sports site are Wexford Insurances Ltd (Tel: Locall 0818 313030. Email: and EMS Copiers.

Video: The cruelty of foxhunting in Ireland

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