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30 June 2010
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports very much welcomes the passing of legislation in the Dail yesterday evening to outlaw the hounding of deer with a pack of dogs. The successful Wildlife Amendment Bill 2010 bans the Ward Union deerhunt which for 150 years has been terrorising tame red deer.
We applaud the courage of John Gormley and the Green Party in pushing this legislation through the Oireachtas in the face of hostility from all sides of the house.
While we are greatly relieved that this cruel deer hunt has been banned and that our long running campaign has been successful, our work continues to ensure that the ban remains permanent.
Shamefully, Fine Gael has pledged to repeal the ban and bring back this deplorable animal abuse should they get into government after the next election. They may have the support of the Labour Party; despite the fact that many of their TDs (including party leader, Eamon Gilmore) have down the years declared their opposition to blood sports, most voted against the deerhunt ban. Political expediency, it seems, has superseded their compassion for persecuted animals.
It is out fervent hope that compassion will prevail and that we will never see this hunt in action again.
We thank you, our friends and supporters, for all your tireless work in helping to ensure that the Ward Union ban became a reality. We also thank all the TDs who voted in favour of the ban.
With the Ward Union now banned, we return more of our attention to the cruel blood sports of hare coursing, hare hunting and fox hunting. With your continued support, our campaign will continue until these too are finally ended.
Related News:
Beginning of the campaign against the Ward Union hunt (1991)
ICABS applauds Minister John Gormley and the Green Party
Did your TDs vote for or against the staghunt ban?
Ward Union Ban: "Tony would have been proud"
Senator Bacik thanked for refusing to vote against stag hunt ban
ICABS thanks Deputy Tommy Broughan for vote abstention
Labour Party criticised for voting against staghunt ban
Labour's animal welfare U-turn is a "shameful deception": Mary White, TD
Labour Party TDs urged hunting group to "keep up the pressure"
Please join us in sending a message of congratulations to Minister John Gormley and the Green Party. Email "Congratulations on Success of Wildlife Amendment Bill 2010" or your own personal message to Green Party TDs and Senators
Please also send a message of thanks to your TDs who voted in favour of the ban. If TDs in your constituency voted against the ban, please lodge a complaint with them now.
Find out what your TDs had to say and how they voted. Read a full transcript of the Dail Debate and see a list of those who voted for and against at:
and www.kildarestreet.com/debates/?id=2010-06-29.475.0
(Including list of TDs who voted for and against)
Contact details for TDs
Bobby Aylward (Fianna Fail): bobby.aylward@oireachtas.ie
Phil Hogan (Fine Gael): philip.hogan@oireachtas.ie
John McGuinness (Fianna Fail): john.mcguinness@oireachtas.ie
MJ Nolan (Fianna Fail): mj.nolan@oireachtas.ie
Mary Alexandra White (Green Party): marya.white@oireachtas.ie
Margaret Conlon (Fianna Fail): margaret.conlon@oireachtas.ie
Seymour Crawford (Fine Gael): seymour.crawford@oireachtas.ie
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin (Sinn Fein): ocaolain@oireachtas.ie
Dr. Rory O'Hanlon (Fianna Fail): rory.ohanlon@oireachtas.ie
Brendan Smith (Fianna Fail): minister@agriculture.gov.ie
Pat Breen (Fine Gael): pat.breen@oireachtas.ie
Joe Carey (Fine Gael): joe.carey@oireachtas.ie
Timmy Dooley (Fianna Fail): timmy.dooley@oireachtas.ie
Tony Killeen (Fianna Fail): tony.killeen@agriculture.gov.ie
Cork East
Michael Ahern (Fianna Fail): michael.ahern@oireachtas.ie
Ned O'Keeffe (Fianna Fail): ned.okeeffe@oireachtas.ie
Sean Sherlock (Labour Party): sean.sherlock@oireachtas.ie
David Stanton (Fine Gael): dstanton@eircom.net
Cork North-Central
Bernard Allen (Fine Gael): bernard.allen@oireachtas.ie
Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fail): billykelleher@eircom.net
Kathleen Lynch (Labour Party): kathleen.lynch@oireachtas.ie
Noel O'Flynn (Fianna Fail): noel.oflynn@oireachtas.ie
Cork North-West
Michael Creed (Fine Gael): michael.creed@oireachtas.ie
Michael Moynihan (Fianna Fail): michael.moynihan.td@oireachtas.ie
Batt O'Keeffe (Fianna Fail): minister_okeeffe@education.gov.ie
Cork South-Central
Deirdre Clune (Fine Gael): deirdre.clune@oireachtas.ie
Simon Coveney (Fine Gael): simon.coveney@oireachtas.ie
Ciarán Lynch (Labour Party): ciaran.lynch@oireachtas.ie
Micheál Martin (Fianna Fail): minister@dfa.ie
Michael McGrath (Fianna Fail): michael.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie
Cork South-West
Jim O'Keeffe (Fine Gael): Jim.OKeeffe@finegael.ie
Christy O'Sullivan (Fianna Fail): christy.osullivan@oireachtas.ie
PJ Sheehan (Fine Gael): pj.sheehan@oireachtas.ie
Donegal North-East
Niall Blaney (Fianna Fail): niall.blaney@oireachtas.ie
Joe McHugh (Fine Gael): joe.mchugh@oireachtas.ie
Dr. James McDaid (Fianna Fail): jim.mcdaid@oireachtas.ie
Donegal South-West
Mary Coughlan (Fianna Fail): mary.coughlan@oireachtas.ie
Dinny McGinley (Fine Gael): dinny.mcginley@oireachtas.ie
Dublin Central
Bertie Ahern (Fianna Fail): bertie.ahern@oireachtas.ie
Cyprian Brady (Fianna Fail): cyprian.brady@oireachtas.ie
Joe Costello (Labour Party): joe.costello@oireachtas.ie
Maureen O'Sullivan (Independent): maureen.osullivan@oireachtas.ie
Dublin Mid West
John Curran (Fianna Fail): john.curran@oireachtas.ie
Paul Nicholas Gogarty (Green Party): paul.gogarty@oireachtas.ie
Mary Harney (Independent): minister's_office@health.irlgov.ie
Joanna Tuffy (Labour Party): joanna.tuffy@oireachtas.ie
Dublin North
Michael Kennedy (Fianna Fail): michael.kennedy@oireachtas.ie
Darragh O'Brien (Fianna Fail): darragh.obrien@oireachtas.ie
Dr. James Reilly (Fine Gael): james.reilly@oireachtas.ie
Trevor Sargent (Green Party): Trevor.Sargent@oireachtas.ie
Dublin North Central
Richard Bruton (Fine Gael): richard.bruton@oireachtas.ie
Sean Haughey (Fianna Fail): sean.haughey@oireachtas.ie
Finian McGrath (Independent): finian.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie
Dublin North-East
Tommy Broughan (Labour Party): thomas.p.broughan@oireachtas.ie
Terence Flanagan (Fine Gael): terence.flanagan@oireachtas.ie
Dr. Michael J Woods (Fianna Fail): michael.woods@oireachtas.ie
Dublin North-West
Noel Ahern (Fianna Fail): noel.ahern@oireachtas.ie
Pat Carey (Fianna Fail): pat.carey@oireachtas.ie
Róisín Shortall (Labour Party): roisin.shortall@oireachtas.ie
Dublin South
Tom Kitt (Fianna Fail): tom.kitt@oireachtas.ie
Olivia Mitchell (Fine Gael): olivia.mitchell@oireachtas.ie
Eamon Ryan (Green Party): minister.ryan@dcenr.gov.ie
Alan Shatter (Fine Gael): alan.shatter@oireachtas.ie
Dublin South-Central
Seán Ardagh (Fianna Fail): sean@ardagh.org
Catherine Byrne (Fine Gael): catherine.byrne@oireachtas.ie
Michael Mulcahy (Fianna Fail): michael.mulcahy@oireachtas.ie
Aengus Ó Snodaigh (Sinn Fein): aengus.osnodaigh@oireachtas.ie
Dr. Mary Upton (Labour Party): mary.upton@oireachtas.ie
Dublin South-East
Chris Andrews (Fianna Fail): chris.andrews@oireachtas.ie
Lucinda Creighton (Fine Gael): lucinda.creighton@oireachtas.ie
John Gormley (Green Party): minister@environ.ie
Ruairí Quinn (Labour Party): ruairi.quinn@oireachtas.ie
Dublin South-West
Brian Hayes (Fine Gael): brian.hayes@oireachtas.ie
Conor Lenihan (Fianna Fail): mary_wallace@health.irlgov.ie
Charlie O'Connor (Fianna Fail): charlie.oconnor@oireachtas.ie
Pat Rabbitte (Labour Party): pat.rabbitte@oireachtas.ie
Dublin West
Joan Burton (Labour Party): joan.burton@oireachtas.ie
Brian Joseph Lenihan (Fianna Fail): minister@finance.gov.ie
Leo Varadkar (Fine Gael): leo.varadkar@oireachtas.ie
Dún Laoghaire
Barry Andrews (Fianna Fail): minister_andrews@health.irlgov.ie
Sean Barrett (Fine Gael): sean.barrett@oireachtas.ie
Ciaran Cuffe (Green Party): ciaran.cuffe@oireachtas.ie
Eamon Gilmore (Labour Party): eamon.gilmore@oireachtas.ie
Mary Hanafin (Fianna Fail): minister_hanafin@education.gov.ie
Galway East
Ulick Burke (Fine Gael): Ulick.Burke@finegael.ie
Paul Connaughton (Fine Gael): paul.connaughton@oireachtas.ie
Michael P Kitt (Fianna Fail): michael.kitt@environ.ie
Noel Treacy (Fianna Fail): noel.treacy@oireachtas.ie
Galway West
Frank Fahey (Fianna Fail): frank.fahey@oireachtas.ie
Noel Grealish (Progressive Democrats): noel.grealish@oireachtas.ie
Michael D. Higgins (Labour Party): michael.higgins@oireachtas.ie
Pádraic McCormack (Fine Gael): padraic.mccormack@oireachtas.ie
Éamon Ó Cuív (Fianna Fail): minister@welfare.ie
Kerry North
Jimmy Deenihan (Fine Gael): jdeenihan@eircom.net
Martin Ferris (Sinn Fein): martin.ferris@oireachtas.ie
Thomas McEllistrim (Fianna Fail): tom.mcellistrim@oireachtas.ie
Kerry South
Jackie Healy-Rae (Independent): Jackie.Healy.Rae@oireachtas.ie
John O'Donoghue (Fianna Fail): john.odonoghue@oireachtas.ie
Tom Sheahan (Fine Gael): tom.sheahan@oireachtas.ie
Kildare North
Aíne Brady (Fianna Fail): aine.brady@oireachtas.ie
Bernard Durkan (Fine Gael): bernard.durkan@oireachtas.ie
Michael Fitzpatrick (Fianna Fail): michael.fitzpatrick@oireachtas.ie
Emmet Stagg (Labour Party): emmet.stagg@oireachtas.ie
Kildare South
Seán Ó Fearghaíl (Fianna Fail): sean.ofearghail@oireachtas.ie
Seán Power (Fianna Fail): sean.power@oireachtas.ie
Jack Wall (Labour Party): jack.wall@oireachtas.ie
Brian Cowen (Fianna Fail): taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie
Olwyn Enright (Fine Gael): olwyn.enright@oireachtas.ie
Charles Flanagan (Fine Gael): charles.flanagan@oireachtas.ie
Sean Fleming (Fianna Fail): sean.fleming@oireachtas.ie
John Anthony Moloney (Fianna Fail): michael_finneran@environ.ie
Limerick East
Michael Noonan (Fine Gael): michael.noonan@oireachtas.ie
Willie O'Dea (Fianna Fail): minister@defence.irlgov.ie
Kieran O'Donnell (Fine Gael): kieran.odonnell@oireachtas.ie
Jan O'Sullivan (Labour Party): jan.osullivan@oireachtas.ie
Peter Power (Fianna Fail): peter.power@dfa.ie
Limerick West
Niall Collins (Fianna Fail): niall.collins@oireachtas.ie
John Cregan (Fianna Fail): john.cregan@oireachtas.ie
Dan Neville (Fine Gael): daniel.neville@oireachtas.ie
Longford -Westmeath
James Bannon (Fine Gael): james.bannon@oireachtas.ie
Peter Kelly (Fianna Fail): peter.kelly@oireachtas.ie
Mary O'Rourke (Fianna Fail): mary.orourke@Oireachtas.ie
Willie Penrose (Labour Party): willie.penrose@oireachtas.ie
Dermot Ahern (Fianna Fail): info@justice.ie
Séamus Kirk (Fianna Fail): seamus.kirk@oireachtas.ie
Arthur Morgan (Sinn Fein): arthur.morgan@oireachtas.ie
Fergus O'Dowd (Fine Gael): fergus.odowd@oireachtas.ie
Dara Calleary (Fianna Fail): dara.calleary@oireachtas.ie
Beverley Flynn (Fianna Fail): beverley.flynn@oireachtas.ie
Enda Kenny (Fine Gael): enda.kenny@oireachtas.ie
John O'Mahony (Fine Gael): john.omahony@oireachtas.ie
Michael Ring (Fine Gael): michael.ring@oireachtas.ie
Meath East
Thomas Byrne (Fianna Fail): thomas.byrne@oireachtas.ie
Shane McEntee (Fine Gael): shane.mcentee@oireachtas.ie
Mary Wallace (Fianna Fail): mary.wallace@agriculture.gov.ie
Meath West
Johnny Brady (Fianna Fail): johnny.brady@oireachtas.ie
Noel Dempsey (Fianna Fail): minister@transport.ie
Damien English (Fine Gael): damien.english@oireachtas.ie
Roscommon-South Leitrim
Frank Feighan (Fine Gael): frank.feighan@oireachtas.ie
Michael Finneran (Fianna Fail): michael_finneran@environ.ie
Denis Naughten (Fine Gael): denis.naughten@oireachtas.ie
Sligo-North Leitrim
Jimmy Devins (Fianna Fail): jimmy.devins@oireachtas.ie
John Perry (Fine Gael): john.perry@oireachtas.ie
Eamon Scanlon (Fianna Fail): eamon.scanlon@oireachtas.ie
Tipperary North
Noel J Coonan (Fine Gael): noel.coonan@oireachtas.ie
Máire Hoctor (Fianna Fail): minister_hoctor@health.irlgov.ie
Michael Lowry (Independent): michael.lowry@oireachtas.ie
Tipperary South
Tom Hayes (Fine Gael): tom.hayes@oireachtas.ie
Dr Martin Mansergh (Fianna Fail): martin.mansergh@opw.ie
Mattie McGrath (Fianna Fail): mattie.mcgrath@oireachtas.ie
Martin Cullen (Fianna Fail): martin.cullen@oireachtas.ie
John Deasy (Fine Gael): john.deasy@oireachtas.ie
Brendan Kenneally (Fianna Fail): bwk@eircom.net
Brian O'Shea (Labour Party): brian.oshea@oireachtas.ie
John Browne (Fianna Fail): john.browne@oireachtas.ie
Sean Connick (Fianna Fail): sean.connick@oireachtas.ie
Michael W D'Arcy (Fine Gael): michael.darcy@oireachtas.ie
Brendan Howlin (Labour Party): brendan.howlin@oireachtas.ie
Paul Kehoe (Fine Gael): paul.kehoe@oireachtas.ie
Joe Behan (Independent): joe.behan@oireachtas.ie
Andrew Doyle (Fine Gael): andrew.doyle@oireachtas.ie
Liz McManus (Labour Party): liz.mcmanus@oireachtas.ie
Dick Roche (Fianna Fail): dick.roche@taoiseach.gov.ie
Billy Godfrey Timmins (Fine Gael): billy.timmins@oireachtas.ie
Banned: The Ward Union carted deer hunt
View More Videos exposing the cruelty of blood sports in Ireland.
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