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Join our appeal against ads for blood sport dogs
02 September 2010

Update: ICABS held a positive meeting with Donedeal in November and we are hopeful that ads for dogs used in blood sports will be reduced and eliminated thanks to a strengthening of the company's dog policy coupled with ad filtering. We thank Donedeal for their positive approach.

Back in March, we thanked Wexford-based classified ads website Donedeal for updating its dogs policy and promising to prevent ads for blood sports dogs from appearing on its website. Sadly, ads for dogs used in hunting, baiting, digging-out and terrierwork have continued to be displayed on the website.

Their policy clearly states that "we do not accept ads that imply that the dog could/should be used for...killing prey" and "we do not accept ads that mention or imply digging" and "we do not allow ads that mention lamping".

However, adverts for such dogs continue to be displayed on the website on an ongoing basis. Among the dogs listed as "Sold" on the website this month were


Please join us in urging Donedeal to act to deny those involved in blood sports the opportunity to use its website as a platform for selling dogs used in attacking and killing wildlife. Ask Donedeal to introduce a screening process for dog adverts to prevent ads from being displayed if they contravene the company's policy or refer to illegal activities.

Mr Fred Karlsson
Unit B, Tuskar House,
Johns Gate Street, Wexford

For more information on our campaign against terrierwork, click on Campaigns at


Donedeal drops ads for dogs used in blood sports
19 March 2010

Irish classified ads website,, has responded positively to an Irish Council Against Blood Sports appeal in which we called for a rejection of ads for dogs used in hunting, baiting, digging-out and terrierwork. A big thumbs up to the Wexford-based company for updating its dog policy and beginning the process of permanently removing such ads.

When ICABS originally contacted DoneDeal about a number of dog adverts on their website, we were assured that "all of us at DoneDeal are big animal lovers" who didn't want their site to be used by those involved in cruelty.

As part of our appeal, we highlighted videos which explicitly show the cruelty involved in hunting and related activities such as the digging out of foxes and the use of terriers to trap animals underground and viciously attack them.

Donedeal's updated dog policy now includes the paragraph: "No Killing or Digging: We do not like the idea of dogs killing prey (e.g. foxes, badgers, deer, etc), as it can be a cruel experience for the prey, or the dog, or both. Therefore we do not accept ads that imply that the dog could/should be used for such activity. Also, we do not accept ads that mention or imply 'digging'." You can read the policy in full at

"We're absolutely delighted with the stand DoneDeal has taken on this cruelty issue," responded ICABS spokesperson Aideen Yourell. "We will now be stepping up our campaign to try and get legislation introduced in Ireland to ban this barbarism."

Dog adverts reported to Donedeal

Below is a selection of the adverts reported to Donedeal.

About terrierwork and digging out

Despite the cruelty involved, fox baiting remains legal in this country. It is carried out by what can only be described as thugs and sadists who dig animals out with spades and take pleasure in seeing their dogs inflicting the most savage injuries on them. Digging out and terrierwork is also an integral part of foxhunting in Ireland.

Click here to download the leaflet

Video: Foxhunting and Digging-out / Terrierwork Cruelty in Ireland


Minister Brendan Smith
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
CC: (Taoiseach, Brian Cowen), (Minister's Secretary) and
Tel: 01-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.
Fax: 01-661 1013.

Dear Minister Smith,

I support the Irish Council Against Blood Sports' call on you to urgently outlaw both digging out and terrierwork. These horrendous acts of cruelty are carried out by sadistic individuals and also by merciless foxhunting groups (when terrified foxes try to find refuge underground). There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for this shameful animal abuse and it must be stopped.

Please make it an offence NOW to dig out any animal or send terriers below ground to catch and attack animals under any circumstances. I also call on you to outlaw the use of packs of hounds to harass, attack, injure and/or kill any animal.

Thank you, Minister. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name and Location]

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