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Urgent appeal to Google: "Stop advertising foxhunting"
21 October 2009

Google has been urged by ICABS to stop advertising foxhunting in Ireland. The call comes in response to Google ads which encourage readers to "experience the thrill of the chase" and consider a "foxhunting break" in Ireland. A video showing the cruelty of foxhunting has been brought to the attention of the company's Dublin-based European HQ.

Please join our appeal to Google - respond to our action alert now.


Ask Google to stop displaying ads for foxhunting. Use the sample letter below or compose your own original letter. Thank you.

Mr John Herlihy
Vice President, Global Ad Operations
Google Dublin,
Google Ireland Ltd.
Gordon House
Barrow Street, Dublin 4
Email from:
[Paste your message into the box at bottom of page]
Tel: +353 (1) 436 1000
Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001 / +353 (1) 543-1001

Dear Mr Herlihy,

I am horrified to learn that "Ads by Google" include adverts for the cruel and barbaric activity of foxhunting. ["Fox hunting Ireland - Experience the thrill of the chase", "Fox hunting in Ireland Special offer hunting break", etc]

I call on your company to immediately remove such ads on the grounds that they promote one of Ireland's worst acts of animal cruelty.

In foxhunting across Ireland, foxes are disturbed from their habitats, chased to exhaustion and torn apart by packs of trained hounds. Foxes that manage to escape underground are dug out with spades while terriers are sent down to viciously attack them.

I invite you to view this short Irish Council Against Blood Sports campaign video which shows just some of the suffering involved:

I trust that after viewing this, Google will agree that foxhunting is disgusting animal cruelty. I hope, therefore, that you will act now to remove this ad and stop publicising foxhunting.

Thank you

Yours faithfully

This advert for foxhunting in Ireland is one of the hunting ads that appear on the Google website (26 November 2009). Please urge the company to drop the ads.

Video: Ban foxhunting in Ireland

Video: Digging Out and Terrierwork Cruelty in Ireland

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