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Cruelty in Yucatan: "Pertinent measures be will taken"
18 March 2009

ICABS has welcomed an assurance from the Ambassador of Mexico in Ireland that action will be taken against horrific cruelty to animals in the state of Yucatan. Video footage of bulls eviscerating horses in an arena and a mob of locals kicking and jumping on dying animals was brought to the Ambassador's attention last month.

Replying to our concerns, Ambassador Cecilia Jaber acknowledged our concerns "regarding the unfortunate events of animal cruelty posted on Youtube".

"We have been in contact with the relevant authorities in the State of Yucatan to whom we expressed your concerns," the Ambassador stated. "This was brought to the attention of the Ministry of Tourism in the State and this Embassy has been informed that pertinent measures will be taken. The international affairs office of the State of Yucatan will follow up promptly on this matter."

She outlined that the cruelty filmed in Yucatan at the toro saca tripas event "is not a common practice in Mexico and does not occur on a regular basis".

ICABS is grateful to Ambassador Jaber for her positive response. We are very pleased to learn that the cruelty in Yucatan is being addressed.

We will now be conveying our concerns about the practice of Mexican bullfighting to the Embassy. Mexico is one of just nine countries around the world that continues to allow bullfighting.

Photo: Animal abuse in Yucatan, Mexico

A mob hits and jumps on an injured bull - just some of the appalling cruelty filmed in Yucatan, Mexico. We hope that this will now be a thing of the past.

Videos: Animal abuse in Yucatan, Mexico

Warning: Graphic scenes of animal cruelty contained in these videos

Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3


Please help the horses and bulls by sending the following message to the email addresses below.

"I welcome the news that measures will be taken against the toro saca tripas event in Yucatan. I hope that such horrendous animal cruelty will never again be tolerated in Mexico. I also wish to express my opposition to Mexican bullfighting, another cruel spectacle which results in terrible animal suffering. Please also work towards eliminating this activity from your country. Thank you."

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