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Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass group formed

5th November, 2003

A group set up to defend the interests of farmers against trespassing foxhunters is demanding immediate action to rid the countryside of foxhunts. Here we reproduce a statement issued recently by the group.

Farmers Against Fox Hunting and Trespass (FAFT) says that NO FARMER wants:

A) His land poached
B) His fences knocked down and destroyed
C) His crops trampled into the ground
D) His livestock terrified and injured
E) To be put at risk of disease spreading
F) To be ridiculed and abused by members of hunts.

We stand by this statement. We, of Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass, further believe that almost all of farmers do NOT want foxhunts on their land at all and totally reject the threat of hunt clubs coming to Ireland from abroad. We say: STAY OFF the farmer's back!

We further state that FAFT represents the views of the vast majority of Irish farmers and we are prepared to defend their interests. We have been greatly encouraged by the support shown to us by fellow farmers and our numbers are increasing all the time, as the terrible threat of the approaching hunting season looms ahead of us.

Now is the time to act. Now is the time to discover the truth. We challenge the IFA, ICMSA and ICSA to ballot their members, the REAL FARMERS, (a post card will do) asking them the question: Do you want fox hunting on your land? Yes or No. It is the only way to ascertain the numbers who welcome the hunt, and where exactly hunts are permitted to operate or otherwise.

Drag hunting avoids trespass on other farms. We see it as the obvious way to resolve the hunting issue once and for all. We are fed up of hunts making claims they cannot substantiate.

If this balloting of farm group members has not occurred by the end of this month September, we suggest that farmers who do welcome the Hunt on to their land should state this in their local newspapers

If nothing is done to resolve this issue, we call on the Department of Agriculture and the Government to protect our rights and livelihoods, and the national interest by calling off the coming hunting season until this matter is resolved.

We want our constitutional rights as landowners and farmers respected and implemented by law. We want to see the full rigours of the law enforced against those who destroy our fences, which are required to be stock-proof for the containment of animal disease. Farmers and the public must be protected from wandering livestock that create public liability problems for the farmer.

FAFT says Ireland must follow Scotland and the UK [a ban on hunting with hounds looks likely in the UK] and ban fox hunting completely. We demand action NOW to rid the countryside of foxhunts!

Farmers, if you hunt on other farmers' lands and destroy their fences, their property and their livelihood, remember that they stood with you at IFA demonstrations to achieve your rights on prices and livelihood. You are doing them a disservice.

Philip P. Lynch
Farmers Against Fox Hunting and Trespass (FAFT)
Tel: 086-0889579 or 056-25309.

Alternative Contact:
William O'Donoghue
Farmers Against Fox Hunting and Trespass (FAFT)
Tel: 087-2753147.

Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass group formed
"We call on the Department of Agriculture and the Government to protect our rights and livelihoods by calling off the coming hunting season. We want our constitutional rights as landowners and farmers respected and implemented by law." Philip P. Lynch, Chairman, Farmers Against Fox Hunting and Trespass.

Farmers and hunts: Further Information

For more information as well as a selection of "Hunting Prohibited" signs to print out and display, please visit our Farmers and Hunts section.

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