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Foxhunting removed from Bord Failte website

25th July, 2003

Bord Failte has responded positively to an Irish Council Against Blood Sports appeal and removed foxhunting references from its equestrian holidays website.

We are delighted to report that the five pages on which foxhunting had previously been promoted have now been eliminated from the re-designed website.

ICABS thanks Bord Failte for its positive move.

Thank you also to everyone who joined us in our appeal to Bord Failte.

"We continue to avoid actively seeking publicity for the foxhunting product, i.e. no invitations to foreign media to cover the activity and we have made no attempt to capitalise on the proposed ban on foxhunting in Britain. We do not actively promote hunting nor have we any intention to do so." (Bord Failte, 2003)

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