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Urgent: Demand stop to bullring bets in Leon and Zamora
27 June 2008 From 5.30pm today, Friday 27th June, bulls will be slowly tortured to death in the Spanish bullfighting towns of Leon and Zamora. To Ireland's great shame, Dublin-based company Paddy Power is accepting bets based on the number of ears sliced off the heads of the bload-soaked bulls at these two venues today. After the bleeding and severely injured animals collapse to the ground, a bullfighter will approach with a dagger and carve off one or both of their ears (as a grisly trophy for the matador). Each bull will have endured around 20 minutes of unimaginable suffering during the bullfight and will suffer even more if they are still conscious when the ears are removed. The Spanish section of the Paddy Power website invites punters to either guess the total number of ears cut off or predict whether the number will be even or odd. ICABS has launched a new campaign video which exposes the horror of this gruesome act. If you have the stomach to witness the sickening cruelty that Paddy Power is profiting from, please watch our video below:
Video en espaņol - Our video is also available to view in Spanish:
We need your help to convince Paddy Power to put compassion before cash and end its bullring bets. Please respond to our action alerts below, forward this email to your friends and post our video on your website. Thank you very much for your help.
Irish Council Against Blood Sports
ACTION ALERT 1 Please urgently contact the CEO of Paddy Power and demand an end to its bullfighting bets. Ask as many of your friends as possible to respond to this action alert and post it on your website and social networking pages.
Patrick Kennedy
Email: ppower@paddypower.com; info@paddypowerplc.com
Sample Letter
Dear Mr Kennedy, I am writing to express my absolute disgust that Paddy Power is accepting bets on the number of ears carved off the heads of bulls at Spanish bullfighting events. Removed after the tortured bulls collapse in agony, the ears are kept by the matadors as grisly trophies. Sometimes the animals are still alive when the ears are hacked off and this can be seen in video footage at www.youtube.com/icabs As bets are being placed on the Paddy Power website, bulls are stumbling around bullrings with blood spurting from their backs and spraying from their noses and mouths. How can your company justify making money from this disgusting animal abuse? Paddy Power - Stop the bloody bullring bets NOW! Yours sincerely, Name/Location ACTION ALERT 2 Please help highlight the shocking cruelty upon which Paddy Power's bets are based. Display our campaign video on your webpage To display the English language version of the video, please copy the following code into your page.
To display the Spanish language version of the video, please copy the following code into your page.
ACTION ALERT 3 Please show your opposition to Paddy Power's appalling Spanish bullring bets by downloading a copy our new Protest Page. Simply print, sign and present to the manager of your local Paddy Power betting shop. Alternatively, place in an envelope and post to the manager. Download Now (pdf, 190 Kb) ACTION ALERT 4 Please register your disgust at Paddy Power's barbaric bets. Order some "Stop Barbaric Bets" campaign postcards for yourself and your friends to send in to Paddy Power's head office in Dublin. If you run an animal welfare group, please distribute postcards to your supporters and ask them to urgently send them. To order cards, please email your name and address to info [AT] banbloodsports.com or write to ICABS, PO Box 88, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. ACTION ALERT 5 According to a 2006 Gallup poll, a mere 7 per cent of Spaniards are "very keen" on bullfighting. Urgently contact the Spanish Prime Minister and tell him that bullfighting is a blemish on Spain's reputation and must be brought to an end. If the continuation of bullfighting makes you choose a different holiday destination, please point this out in your correspondence.
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Make a donation to ICABS Please consider making a small donation to ICABS. For more details, please click on the button below or follow this link to find out how to become a campaign supporter. Thank you.