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ICABS Mobile Websites
Catch up with ICABS campaigns on your mobile phone or internet-enabled device
If your phone is an older model, check out our mobile WAP website
Watch ICABS Youtube videos on your mobile phone or internet-enabled device

View all ICABS videos on your mobile phone

Thanks to Youtube Mobile, millions more people are now be able to witness the cruelty of blood sports in Ireland. With the ability to watch all of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports' videos on a compatible mobile phone, our campaign is set to reach an even wider audience nationally and around the world.

Anyone with a phone which supports RTSP streaming can view the ICABS videos by accessing:

Note: The videos are free to view but please be aware that you will be charged by your service provider based on the amount of data downloaded. Please check rates before viewing videos on your mobile phone.

The videos may also be viewed online at or by clicking on Videos at

youtube mobile phone icon
Thanks to Youtube Mobile, you can now watch all ICABS videos on your compatible mobile phone. This will help expose the cruelty of blood sports in Ireland to millions more people and broaden the campaign's support base.

Among the range of videos currently available to view on the ICABS channel are:

  • Ban Foxhunting in Ireland
  • Ban the Ward Union Hunt
  • Carted deer hunting - Blood Sports in Ireland
  • Hare Coursing - Blood Sports in Ireland
  • Mink Hunting - Blood Sports in Ireland
  • Coillte! Keep hunts out of our forests!
  • The truth about foxes
  • Slideshow - Ward Union deerhunt
  • The Irish Hare
  • Paddy Power's Gruesome Bets
  • Cockfighting - Blood Sports in Ireland
  • Landowners and hunts
  • Ward Union: Drag hunt possibility
  • Hunts on our roads - Ireland
  • Drag Coursing - The humane alterative
  • Drag Hunting 1 - The humane alterative
  • Drag Hunting 2 - The humane alterative


Please help expose the cruelty of blood sports in Ireland. Tell others about the ICABS video channel and ask them to join the campaign against these cruel activities:

Help educate your local politicians about the cruelty of blood sports by urging them to watch the videos. Ask them to give a commitment that they will work towards banning foxhunting, hare coursing, mink hunting and carted deer hunting in Ireland.

Display one or more videos on your website. To copy the display codes, please visit our Videos page and click on the video links. Thank you.

Watching the ICABS video channel on your phone

To find out more about the technical requirements of compatible phones, please see below.

Will my mobile device work with YouTube Mobile?
(Source: Youtube)

There are 2 technical requirements you have to meet in order to watch videos on YouTube Mobile from your mobile device:

1. Your device has to support RTSP streaming. To determine if your mobile device supports this type of streaming, you may want to check your device's manual to find a description of its specifications.

2. Your service carrier has to allow streaming videos. You may want to contact your carrier for more information about the availability of data streaming on your mobile device.

For more information about using YouTube Mobile, you can go to from your computer's browser. ICABS Goes Mobile at

Whether you're on a bus, on the beach or in the heart of the Irish countryside, now you can keep right up-to-date on the campaign against blood sports.

Visit Ireland's first animal welfare WAP site and get active while you're on the go!

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports WAP site is available now on your WAP-enabled mobile phone or wireless device. Check it out today at:

Designed entirely in-house at ICABS, this important campaigning tool will broaden our support base and make it easier for many people to remain updated on our campaign against animal cruelty.

Content on the site includes:

Latest News - Shortened versions of the most recent news stories and action alerts from our main website. Very handy if you're away from your PC!

Quick Campaigns - Help make a difference - even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Quick campaigns shows you how to express your opposition to foxhunting, coursing, deer hunting, mink hunting and bullfighting with a simple phone call or email.

Useful Numbers - If you're out and about and you want to report an incident involving animal cruelty or a breach of the Wildlife Act, these numbers will be useful to you.

Contact Details - How to get in touch with ICABS

Petition - Another way for you to sign our "Ban Blood Sports in Ireland" petition. Now you can add your name by sending us a text message (beginning with the word Petition and followed by your full name and country location) to 00 353 86 0386617.

Mailing List - Join the ICABS emailing list and receive our free monthly Animal Voice e-newletter. This includes campaign news updates and action alerts. Simply email the word "Subscribe" to or text "Subscribe" followed by your email address to 00 353 86 0386617.

Join ICABS - How you can become a supporter of the ICABS campaign against blood sports in Ireland.

ICABS WAP - Connect now

The ICABS WAP site at is Ireland's first animal welfare WAP site. Access the 'Internet' or 'Services' menu on your phone or wireless device and connect to us today. This is a free site. You are only charged your standard network rate for WAP browsing or sending a text message.

Mobile Phone - ICABS Goes Mobile

Make a donation to ICABS

Please consider making a small donation to ICABS. For more details, please click on the button below or follow this link to find out how to become a campaign supporter. Thank you.

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