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Irish MEP is "odd man out" in support for cruel seal hunt
14 February 2008 Irish MEP, Sean O Neachtain, has been described as "very much the odd man out" for backing Canada's barbaric seal hunters. The Fianna Fail MEP sparked outrage this week after he declared: “I will be supporting the seal hunters". Mr O Neachtain's bizarre stance has been condemned by animal welfare groups across Ireland. In a letter to the politician today, ICABS criticised his lack of compassion and described his statement as an embarrassment to the people of Ireland. Canada's Telegram newspaper has branded Mr O Neachtain as "very much the odd man out in the European Parliament - perhaps the lone EU parliamentarian leading the fight against a ban on imported Canadian seal products". Highlighting a video of Mr O Neachtain coming out in favour of the merciless hunters, the paper stated: "Sean O Neachtain, who represents a rural area in western Ireland, is defending Canada's seal hunt, despite the fact that the majority of his 784 parliamentary colleagues are calling for the hunt to be banned."
ACTION ALERT 1 Please contact Sean O Neachtain MEP and express your disapproval of his support for Canada's barbaric hunters who club, shoot and hook seals to death in what has been described as the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world.
Sean O Neachtain MEP
Email: info@oneachtain.com
Sean O Neachtain MEP
Email: soneachtain@europarl.eu.int
ACTION ALERT 2 Please write to the rest of Ireland's MEPs and ask them to support an EU ban on the importation of Canadian seal products You can find a list of Irish MEPs by clicking on this link: www.europarl.ie/irish.html
Video: Cruel Seal hunting exposed
Video: Sean O'Neachtain expressing support for seal hunt
Seal Slaughter: More information
To learn more about the brutality of Canada's seal slaughter, visit the "Stop The Seal Hunt" website at
Seal Slaughter: Petition
Click on the link to sign a Humane Society of the United States petition
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