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Paddy Power's grotesque bullfighting bets
23 August 2007

ICABS has described as grotesque and in the poorest of taste Paddy Power's acceptance of bullfighting bets. We were horrified to learn that the Irish company is currently inviting bets on the number of ears that will be cut from the heads of bulls after bullfights.

On the Spanish section of (Paddy Power en Espanol - Toros), visitors are being given the opportunity to guess the total number of ears carved off the animals and given to matadors as gruesome trophies.

In a fax to the company's CEO this week, ICABS asked for the bull betting to be urgently scrapped.

"We find grotesque and in the poorest of taste the Paddy Power company's acceptance of such bets," we stated. "We can only assume that company management is unaware of the horrors of bullfighting and how bulls are cruelly tortured with spikes and spears. As people are casting bets on, the bulls are stumbling around the bullrings with blood spurting from their backs and spraying from their noses and mouths. Surely this is not the type of activity which Paddy Power wants to either be associated with or to make money from."

2 images showing bull's ear being carved off
Paddy Power invites you to bet on this disgusting animal cruelty. A bullfighter uses a dagger to carve off a bull's ear. The unfortunate animal, paralysed from being tortured in the bullring, lays in unimagineable agony as the knife cuts through. A more graphic version of the images is available to view by clicking on the link.

Referring to the cutting off of bulls' ears, we detailed how this is done after the bulls have been subjected to the agony of being stabbed with spiked spears. The animals are sometimes still alive when this gruesome ritual is performed.

Responding to complaints, Paddy Power spokesperson, Gary Connolly commented: "We neither support nor denounce bullfighting, we simply respect this Spanish custom and offer a choice to those customers who wish to bet on it."

ICABS has sent an explicit video clip (please see below) to the company's head office which leaves nothing to the imagination. A bull, still alive, is seen lying paralysed on the ground as a bullfighter uses a dagger to carve off one of its ears.

"It's shocking viewing," we warned in our appeal to CEO Patrick Kennedy, "but we implore you to watch it and reconsider your company's foray into the violent and inhumane world of bullfighting."

Bullfight logo from Paddy Power website
A graphic from the Paddy Power website showing a bull, a matador and the slogan "The new face of the bullfighting world"


Please urgently contact the CEO of Paddy Power and demand an end to its bullfighting bets. Ask as many of your friends as possible to respond to this action alert.

Patrick Kennedy
Chief Executive
Paddy Power Plc
Airton House
Airton Road
Dublin 24

Tel: 00353 (0)1 404 5900
Fax: 00353 (0)1 404 5901

Sample Letter
(Please compose your own personal letter if possible. If you do not have time to do this, please send the short sample letter below. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence. Thank you.)

Dear Mr Kennedy,

I am writing to express my absolute disgust that the Paddy Power company is currently accepting bets on the number of ears that will be cut off the heads of bulls after bullfighting events in Spain.

It is beyond belief that a company which values its image would want to associate with this cruel and indefensible animal cruelty. Bulls are subjected to the most horrendous abuse in Spanish bullrings - spiked spears and swords are plunged into their flesh and they finally collapse in agony with blood cascading from their backs and spraying from their mouths and nostrils.

Bulls' ears, carved off as grisly trophies for the matadors, are sometimes removed when the animal is still alive. Video footage showing a live bull having its ear cut off can be seen at

I ask you to please view this shocking clip and immediately end your bullfighting bets.

Yours sincerely,


Campaign Video: Paddy Power Plc - Stop the bloody bullring bets

Video: A bull's ear being cut off

The video clip we sent to Paddy Power can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
*** Please be warned that the clip shows a bull's ear being cut off with a dagger. This will be extremely upsetting and disturbing to some ***

Video: Ear being cut off bull
(Video by

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