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AIB to delete bullrun from radio advert
27 June 2007

Allied Irish Bank has promised to eliminate a reference to the Pamplona bullrun from its current radio advert. This positive response came following an Irish Council Against Blood Sports appeal in which we highlighted the cruelty of the event as well as the danger it poses to human participants.

In a letter of appeal to the company, we pointed to our ongoing campaign aimed at encouraging Irish holidaymakers to avoid bullruns and bullfights. "We hope that AIB can help us by amending this radio advert," we stated.

Replying, AIB's Head of Advertising, Fiona Curtin, stressed that it was never the intention of the company to cause upset by promoting an event that is associated with animal cruelty. "We would like to express our apologies for causing any distress as a result of our advertising," she said.

"The ad was recorded as part of our current Personal Lending campaign, based around the premise that deciding where to go is the hard part of the process but that getting the loan from AIB is easy," she explained. "We were not aware of the technicalities of how the bulls are treated at this festival."

"As a result of your letter, we are taking the necessary steps to remove reference to this in our advertising," she added.

ICABS has thanked AIB for this positive response.

The reality of bullrunning

  • Electric shock prods are used to frighten the bulls into stampeding

  • Along the route, the bulls are at risk of sustaining injuries, including broken bones

  • Bulls used in the bullrun will later be brutally killed in a bullring

  • Over the years, numerous people have been injured at the bullrun; at least thirteen have died as a result. During last year's Pamplona festival, an American man was left paralysed after being hit by a cow.

Photos: Pamplona bullrun

Bull sticking horn into body of falling man
A man is gored by a bull during the Pamplona bullrunning festival. (Photo: AP)

Black bull on ground behind barrier with tongue limply hanging out
Another victim of the Pamplona bullrun. The bulls are beaten and prodded to make them run and are later killed brutally in the local bullring. (Photo: BBC)

For more photos showing the cruelty and danger of the Pamplona bullrun, please visit our Pamplona Gallery

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