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We got it wrong with bullrun prize: 2FM
26 June 2007

2FM has said that they "got it wrong" with a recent competition in which the winner was awarded a trip to the Pamplona bullrun. The station has said that strong concerns about the giveaway have been noted and will be taken into account in future.

The competition, run in association with the SEAT car company, offered entrants the chance to "Win a trip to Pamplona for the Bull Running Festival". The trip, described as "the ultimate prize", was awarded on June 15th.

Responding to ICABS appeals in which we highlighted the bullrun's animal cruelty as well as the danger to human participants and observers, 2FM have assured us that they "have taken on broad the concerns of those who expressed strong opinions following the running of this giveaway".

"Be assured than greater vigilance will be in place for future prize giveaways," 2fm Head, John Clarke, promised in an email to ICABS. "It was never our intention to offend anyone [and] it goes without saying we would never support cruelty to any animal," he added.

ICABS has thanked 2FM for taking our concerns into consideration.

In a related development, SEAT has told ICABS that our comments about the cruelty of bullrunning "will definitely be taken into account for future occasions". A company spokesperson stated: "We have forwarded your email message to our Marketing Department as well as to our After Sales Services Manager in Ireland, who have both shown great interest in your suggestions."

Thank you to everyone who joined us in our appeal to 2FM and SEAT. ICABS is now renewing its appeal to members of the public to stay away from the Pamplona bullrun.

The reality of bullrunning

  • Electric shock prods are used to frighten the bulls into stampeding

  • Along the route, the bulls are at risk of sustaining injuries, including broken bones

  • Bulls used in the bullrun will later be brutally killed in a bullring

  • Over the years, numerous people have been injured at the bullrun; at least thirteen have died as a result. During last year's Pamplona festival, an American man was left paralysed after being hit by a cow.

Photos: Pamplona bullrun

Bull sticking horn into body of falling man
A man is gored by a bull during the Pamplona bullrunning festival. (Photo: AP)

Black bull on ground behind barrier with tongue limply hanging out
Another victim of the Pamplona bullrun. The bulls are beaten and prodded to make them run and are later killed brutally in the local bullring. (Photo: BBC)

For more photos showing the cruelty and danger of the Pamplona bullrun, please visit our Pamplona Gallery

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