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Corrie star supports our campaign
10 May 2007

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is thrilled to announce that Coronation Street star, David Neilson, has expressed his support for our campaign. David, who plays Street legend, Roy Cropper, said: "I am happy to be added to your list of supporters."

The actor was responding to correspondence from ICABS campaigner, Philip Kiernan.

"I oppose all blood sports," Mr Neilson stated. "I am happy to be added to your list of supporters."

ICABS is delighted to have the support of David Neilson.

Other celebrities who have expressed their support for our campaign against blood sports include U2, Brigitte Bardot, Howard Jones and Benjamin Zephaniah.

David Neilson
"I oppose all blood sports and am happy to be added to your list of supporters": Coronation Street actor, David Neilson - May 2007

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