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Coca Cola removes advert's bullrun scene
20 April 2007

The Coca Cola company has removed a bullrun scene from its current TV ad following an appeal by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports.

The ICABS appeal focussed on the First Taste advert which revolves around a man who gets to drink coke for the first time, prompting him to wonder what other new experiences he has missed out on throughout his life. The segment we objected to showed the man running with the bulls at a bullrunning festival. In our correspondence to Coca Cola's Atlanta HQ, we highlighted the danger bullrunning poses to human participants as well as the animal cruelty.

Responded Gavin O'Doherty, Senior Brand Manager at Coca Cola Ireland: "At the Coca-Cola Company, we certainly do not condone or endorse physical harm to animals."

"We wish to confirm that we do not have any plans to run the edit of the First Taste TV commercial which features the bull running scene," he added. "We will continue to run various different versions of this successful commercial but can confirm that none of these will feature the scene mentioned above."

ICABS has thanked Mr O'Doherty and the Coca Cola company for this positive response.

Scene from Coca Cola advert
Scene from the current Coca Cola advert - a man tasting Coca Cola for the first time.

Scene from Coca Cola advert
Removed scene: The man running down a street with the bulls in pursuit.

Scene from Coca Cola advert
Removed scene: The man running away from one of the bulls.

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