Ranger vacancies in blood sport black spots
30 January 2007
ICABS is calling on Environment Minister, Dick Roche, to urgently recruit more National Parks and Wildlife Service rangers. Just 70 wildlife rangers cover all of the 26 counties and some of these, it has been revealed, are confined to desk duties.
According to an article in the Irish Independent last year, the number of rangers was put at around 90 but we have since discovered that the picture is even bleaker.
A listing on the NPWS website shows that out of a total of just 78 ranger positions, only 70 are filled. Among the eight vacancies are for rangers in blood sport black spots like Kildare, Meath and Tipperary. In some cases, a single ranger is covering an entire county.
An Environment Department spokesperson told the Independent that the unfilled NPWS positions are due to a ban on public sector recruitment.
"There is a difficulty with numbers because of the government embargo," he said. "There is the same number of rangers as 2002, but less on the ground."
Please join us in calling on Minister Dick Roche to ensure that all existing ranger positions are filled and that new positions are urgently created to detect crimes against wildlife and to help protect animals and habitats. We have suggested that a ban on hare coursing would free up rangers' time and resources; rangers could devote time to protecting the hare species instead of monitoring coursing meetings.
Minister Dick Roche
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1.
NPWS Rangers - Contact Details
2012 Note: Please click on the link for an up-to-date list of NPWS Rangers
The National Parks and Wildlife Service has a network of local conservation rangers located across Ireland. Their role includes policing the Widlife Act and they are available to discuss queries in
relation to local conservation issues. For ranger contact details,
please see the list below. (The vacant positions are highlighted)
National Parks & Wildlife Service
7 Ely Place, Dublin 2.
LoCall: 1890 202021
Tel: +353-1-8882000
Fax: +353-1-8883272
Email: natureconservation@environ.ie
Website: www.npws.ie and www.environ.ie
Further information on conservation sites is also available from:
1800-405000 (freefone from within the Republic of Ireland)
County/Location | Conservation Ranger | Covering Officer | Contact number |
Carlow | Vacancy | Lorcán Scott (DCO) | 087-2581493 |
Cavan - East | Lee McDaid |
| 087-9832045 |
Cavan - West | John Matthews |
| 049-4335825 |
Clare - Burren National Park | Emma Glanville |
| 065-6822694 |
Clare - East | David Lyons |
| 065-6822662 |
Clare - North-West | Penny Bartlett |
| 065-6822642 |
Clare - South-West | Barry O’Donoghue |
| 065-9051640 |
Cork - Beara Peninsula | Clare Heardman |
| 027-63636 |
Cork - North | Eva Sweeney |
| 022-26570 |
Cork - North-East | Denis Ryan |
| 061-378376 |
Cork - South | Danny O’Keeffe |
| 087-2472264 |
Cork - South-East | Patrick J. Smiddy |
| 024-982826 |
Cork - West | Pat Graham |
| 087-9078688 |
Cork - Mid-West | Donal Scannell |
| 026-45531 |
Donegal - Inishowen | Emmett Johnston |
| 087-2867055 |
Donegal - North | David McNamara |
| 074-58142 |
Donegal - North-East | Andrew Speer |
| 087-6672213 |
Donegal - North-West | Vacancy | Tim Roderick (DCO) | 087-6184827 |
Donegal - South | Miriam Crowley |
| 087-6171377 |
Donegal - South-East | Carl Byrne |
| 087-6378398 |
Donegal - South-West | Emer Magee |
| 087-6468439 |
Dublin - City & Fingal | Niall Harmey |
| 087-6620373 |
Dublin - South | Terry Doherty |
| 087-6795862 |
Dublin - South & Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown | Anthony McElheron |
| 01-2874870 |
Galway - Aran Islands | Penny Bartlett |
| 065-6837449 |
Galway - City | Gerry Higgins |
| 091-739654 |
Galway - Connemara | Aonghas Ó Donaill |
| 087-2582213 |
Galway - Connemara National Park | Robert Holloway |
| 095-41054 |
Galway - East | John J. Higgins |
| 093-47502 |
Galway - North | Mark Byrne |
| 087-9051854 |
Galway - South | Robert Steede |
| 087-6379324 |
Galway - South-East | Rebecca Teesdale |
| 091-758432 |
Kerry - East | Timothy Burkitt |
| 064-33926 |
Kerry - North | Tim O’Donaghue |
| 066-7124725 |
Kerry - South | Michael O’Sullivan |
| 064-45257 |
Kerry - West | Pascal Dower |
| 087-6781615 |
Kildare - North | Vacancy | Ciara Flynn (DCO) | 045-521713 |
Kildare - South | Roy Thompson |
| 045-521711 |
Kilkenny | Jimi Conroy |
| 086-8074384 |
Laois | John Carroll |
| 0502-39687 |
Leitrim - North | Miriam Crowley |
| 087-6171377 |
Leitrim - South | John Matthews |
| 049-4335825 |
Limerick - East | Seamus Hassett |
| 061-336567 |
Limerick - West | Liam Lenihan |
| 063-84066 |
Longford | Susan Moles |
| 049-4335753 |
Louth | Kieran Buckley |
| 087-2721981 |
Mayo - East | Brian Haran |
| 094-9254348 |
Mayo - Mid-West | Maurice P. McDonnell |
| 094-9031076 |
Mayo - North Central (Ballycroy National Park) | Cameron Clotworthy |
| 098- (42472) |
Mayo - North-East | James Kilroy |
| 098- (42472) |
Mayo - North-West | Irene O’Brien |
| 098- (42472) |
Mayo - South-East | John J. Higgins |
| 093-47502 |
Mayo - South-West | Eoin McGreal |
| 094-9542775 |
Mayo - West | Vacancy | Sue Callaghan (DCO) | 098-(42472) |
Meath - North & East | Annette Lynch/Sylvia O’Hehir |
| 046-9093507 |
Meath - South & West | Vacancy | Maurice Eakin (DCO) | 086-8059240 |
Monaghan | Denis O’Higgins |
| 047-85951 |
Offaly - East | Colm Malone |
| 057-9331470 |
Offaly - West | Noel Bugler |
| 057-9122512 |
Roscommon - North | Leonard Floyd |
| 071-9664501 |
Roscommon - South | Niall Cribbon |
| 087-6228649 |
Sligo - East | David McDonagh |
| 087-6468413 |
Sligo - West | Robert Lundy |
| 087-2646422 |
Tipperary - North-East | Sinead Biggane |
| 067-44135 |
Tipperary - North-West | Vacancy | Stefan Jones (DCO) | 086-8074628 |
Tipperary - South-East | Vacancy | Pádraig Comerford (DRM) | 087-2646426 |
Tipperary - South-West | Seán Breen |
| 062-71131 |
Waterford - South and East | Brian Duffy |
| 087-8541961 |
Westmeath - North | Tríona Finnen |
| 044-37020 |
Westmeath - South | Andrea Webb |
| 087- |
Wexford - Mid | Patrick O’Sullivan |
| 053-20967 |
Wexford - North | Eamon P. Doran |
| 055-26339 |
Wexford - South | Tony Murray |
| 053-23129 |
Wexford Wildfowl Reserve | Chris Wilson |
| 053-23129 |
Wicklow - Mid | Vacancy |
| 0404-45800 |
Wicklow - North | Anthony McElheron |
| 01-2874870 |
Wicklow - South | Eamon P. Doran |
| 055-26339 |
Wicklow - Central & West | Eastern Region Headquarters |
| 0404-45800 |
2012 Note: Please click on the link for an up-to-date list of NPWS Rangers
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