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Horrendous - Spain's "bull on fire" event
03 November 2006

Toro Jubilo victim
Barbaric: a bull with its horns ablaze at Medinaceli's Toro Jubilo event.
The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is joining groups across Europe in condemning one of Spain's most horrendous events. The Toro Jubilo or "Bull on Fire" involves setting the horns of bulls alight. Such is the suffering that some creatures attempt to commit suicide.

Maria Lopes of the International Movement Against Bullfights describes what's set to take place at Medinaceli city on Saturday, November 11th:

"This particular savagery consists of putting a kind of ball on both the horns of the bulls and setting fire to the balls," she says. "The bulls are released on the streets and these balls burn for hours. They burn the horns, the body and the eyes, causing terrible suffering. Several times the bulls try to kill themselves against walls, due to the horrible pain."

ICABS has written to the Medinaceli authorities to express our shock and absolute disgust at this terrible animal abuse. We've reminded them that this is the 21st Century and that it's time to leave barbarity in the past. Please urgently join us in our appeal.


1. If holidaying in Spain, avoid visiting Medinaceli until the city is free from animal cruelty events.
2. Send a protest message to the following.

City Hall of Medinaceli
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1
42240 Medinaceli
Soria, Spain.
Fax + 34 975326053

President of the Diputacion Prov. Soria
C/ Caballeros, 17 Soria
Soria 42071, Spain.
Tel: +34 975 211089
Fax: +34 975 101091

Tourism: Soria

President of the Junta de Castilla y Leon
Plaza de Castilla y Leon,1
Fax: + 34 983411269

Tourism: Castilla y Leon

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