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Bank apologises for foxhunt advert
05 July 2006

Ulster Bank has apologised for an advertisement which appeared in a foxhunt's point-to-point booklet. The advert for the bank's South East Business Centre included the headline "Good Luck to Waterford Hunt".

Following its publication, ICABS contacted Ulster Bank's Chief Executive to express our concern and highlight that point-to-point race events are a major fund-raiser for foxhunt groups.

"We feel sure that the vast majority of Ulster Bank's customers would be opposed to foxhunting, a cruel blood sport, which is now outlawed in Britain," we stated in our correspondence.

Bobbie Bergin, Director of Ulster Bank's Communications and Corporate division replied as follows: "I would like to apologise for any offence caused and I can assure you that this was not the intention. Ulster Bank does not have an explicit policy in relation to blood sports or, specifically, in terms of sponsorship of blood sports events. However, as a general rule, Ulster Bank would usually not look to sponsor such activities. This is a recognition that the subject of blood sports is a sensitive one which divides opinion of our employees, our customers and the community at large."

"This guiding principle has been advised to our South East Business Centre," he concluded.

ICABS thanks Ulster Bank for this response and hopes that no further hunt-related adverts will appear in the future.

Advert showing child with fingers crossed
The advert which appeared in April in a foxhunt's point-to-point race booklet. Ulster Bank has apologised for the offence caused.

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