Coursing cruelty captured by media
03 February 2006
Photos published in the Irish media over the past week have explicitly conveyed the cruelty of coursing. The images show hares being chased, mauled and bitten.
A coursing steward trying to get a greyhound to release a hare from between its jaws. This image appeared in the Irish Independent and the Irish Star on February 2nd. According to the Independent, the dog's muzzle slipped off during the national coursing finals in Clonmel. The fate of the hare wasn't revealed but its chances of survival would have been minimal.
Two greyhounds (including the Niall Quinn-owned dog, Chelsea Girl) maul a hare during the coursing finals in Clonmel, Co Tipperary. This photo appeared in the Irish Independent of 31st January. An advertisement sign from coursing sponsor, Boylesports, can be seen in the background.
The Irish Examiner (February 2nd) featured this photo on its sports pages next to the caption: "A hare finds himself between a rock and a hard place at Clonmel yesterday".
A hare runs for its life as two pursuing greyhounds slide to the ground. The photo was published on February 2nd on the front pages of the Irish Examiner and the Irish Times.
Urgent Action Item
Please contact Environment Minister, Dick Roche, and demand an end to coursing in Ireland. Tell the Minister that hares should be allowed to live free from the cruelty of coursing. Please also contact your local TDs and urge them to work for an end to coursing and all blood sports.
Minister Dick Roche
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House
Dublin 1
Tel: +353 (0)1-8882403
Fax: +353 (0)1-8788640
Write to your TD at:
Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 337 889.
Write to your Senator at:
Seanad Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01-618 3000 or 1890 732 623.
For the names and contact details of politicians, please visit the Irish Government Website at
Coursing: More Information
Majority want live hare coursing banned - 27 January 2006
Photo: Captive hares in coursing enclosure - 18 November 2005
Coursing fixtures list revealed - 13 October 2005
Coursers get licence for 2005-06 season - 14 September 2005
Is Ireland in breach of EU Habitats Directive? - 07 July 2005
Green Party leader, Trevor Sargent, has questioned the Environment Minister about the possibility of Ireland being in breach of the EU Habitats Directive by allowing hare coursing.
Hares and Rabbits Fact Sheet - 24 June 2005
Hares and rabbits have an important place in Ireland's biodiversity. Learn all about these fascinating mammals in a new fact sheet by Mike Rendle of the Irish Hare Initiative.
Animal Voice - June 2005
Special edition focusing entirely on the plight of the Irish Hare. Read on to find out about the growing concern for this "threatened" and "declining" species. Plus a selection of disturbing reports from hare coursing meetings.
The Impact of Enclosed Hare Coursing on Irish hares - 28 April 2005
A report by the Irish Hare Initiative
Species Action Plan - 31 March 2005
The draft version of the Species Action Plan for the Irish Hare.
National Survey of Hares
Tender Specification and additional details
Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares - 28 January 2005
A report by the Irish Hare Initiative
Coursing: Photos and Video
For photos and video clips showing the cruelty of coursing, please visit our Ban Hare Coursing website.
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