Shock Disease and Irish Hares
13 January 2006
Updated report highlighting capture myopathy (also known as shock disease), a stress-induced condition which has been identified as posing a threat to the hare species. Hares captured from the wild and used in coursing are among the animals most at risk.
The report can be viewed from the Resource Directory of the Irish Hare Website or by clicking on the following link:
Report: Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares
(pdf; 129 Kb)
Also available:
Report: The Impact of Enclosed Coursing on Irish Hares
(pdf; 146 Kb)
Photos: Coursing Cruelty
A courser looks on as a pair of hares run along the inside of a coursing enclosure. Thousands of Irish hares are incarcerated like this by coursing clubs every year.
Hares kept captive in a coursing field. After being snatched from the wild, hares are kept in captivity for up to two months before the start of the coursing meeting.
Coursing: More Information
Photo: Captive hares in coursing enclosure - 18 November 2005
Coursing fixtures list revealed - 13 October 2005
Coursers get licence for 2005-06 season - 14 September 2005
Is Ireland in breach of EU Habitats Directive? - 07 July 2005
Green Party leader, Trevor Sargent, has questioned the Environment Minister about the possibility of Ireland being in breach of the EU Habitats Directive by allowing hare coursing.
Hares and Rabbits Fact Sheet - 24 June 2005
Hares and rabbits have an important place in Ireland's biodiversity. Learn all about these fascinating mammals in a new fact sheet by Mike Rendle of the Irish Hare Initiative.
Animal Voice - June 2005
Special edition focusing entirely on the plight of the Irish Hare. Read on to find out about the growing concern for this "threatened" and "declining" species. Plus a selection of disturbing reports from hare coursing meetings.
The Impact of Enclosed Hare Coursing on Irish hares - 28 April 2005
A report by the Irish Hare Initiative
Species Action Plan - 31 March 2005
The draft version of the Species Action Plan for the Irish Hare.
National Survey of Hares
Tender Specification and additional details
Stress and Capture Myopathy in Hares - 28 January 2005
A report by the Irish Hare Initiative
Coursing: Photos and Video
For photos and video clips showing the cruelty of coursing, please visit our Ban Hare Coursing website.
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