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Canada: Stop the baby seal slaughter
10 March 2005

ICABS has today called on the Canadian Ambassador to Ireland to intervene to stop Canada's slaughter of baby seals. The annual cull takes place this month with tens of thousands of the animals being brutally clubbed, shot or hooked to death.

Despite international condemnation of the cruelty, the Canadian Government is allowing the killing to continue. It's the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world and has prompted many to boycott the country.

On March 15th 2005, groups and individuals around the world will unite in their condemnation of the barbaric assault on the seal population. You can help by attending a peaceful protest in Dublin on the day or by making a complaint to the Canadian authorities.

Organised by the Animal Rights Action Network, the Dublin demonstration will take place between midday and 2pm outside the Canadian Embassy (at the corner of St Stephens Green above the Bank of Scotland). For more information, contact ARAN on 087-6275579 or email

ICABS Action Item

If you are unable to attend the protest in Dublin, please register your opposition to the seal slaughter by contacting the Canadian Ambassador and the Canadian Prime Minister. Thank you.

Canadian Ambassador to Ireland
Mr Mark J. Moher
The Canadian Embassy
65 St. Stephen's Green
Dublin 2

Tel: (01) 417 4136
Fax:(01) 417 4101
(Note: Janet Green is the Assistant to the Ambassador)

Mr Paul Martin
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2

Fax: (001) 613-941-6900

(If possible, please write your own original letter. Be assertive, but polite, in all correspondence).

Dear Sir,

I am writing to register my opposition to Canada's continued slaughter of seals. This bloody and brutal assault on the seal population is a terrible reflection on your country - the unfortunate animals are mercilessly shot, clubbed over the head or hooked to death. I implore you to intervene to bring this barbarism to an end.

Thank you. I look forward to your positive reply.

Yours sincerely,

Photos and video footage of seal slaughter

To witness the brutality of Canada's seal slaughter, visit the website of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

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