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Blood Sport declaration fails in European Parliament

Avril Doyle and Niall Andrews A Written Declaration to the EU Parliament in support of blood sports, issued by Avril Doyle and three other MEPs last October, has fallen far short of gaining majority support in the European Parliament.

Only 40 out of a total of 600 MEPs signed this declaration calling for recognition of, and the rights of citizens to engage in, what was euphemistically termed "country sports" and "traditional rural pursuits".

ICABS is disappointed that Avril Doyle deemed it fit to call for support and recognition from the EU Parliament for such barbaric and outdated activities as live hare coursing, stag hunting and foxhunting. We are also saddened that she was joined in this call by two other female MEPs, Noora Kauppi (Finland) and Danielle Ducarme (France). Also sponsoring this declaration was Roger Helmer from the U.K.

Only one other Irish MEP - Niall Andrews - signed in support of the declaration. Following a plea from ICABS, Mr Andrews (pictured above right) has advised us that he will now be withdrawing his name from the list.

Wording of declaration issued to European Parliament

13 October

Written Declaration

for entry in the register
pursuant to Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure
by the following Members: Helmer, Kauppi, Ducarme and Doyle
on country sports

The European Parliament

  1. Notes with concern the increasing pressure in several Member states against country sports and traditional rural pursuits;

  2. Recognises the important contribution made by properly regulated traditional country sports to maintenance of the environment, of wildlife and biodiversity, and to rural communities and the rural economy;

  3. Affirms the right of citizens to engage in traditional rural sports and pastimes;

  4. Urges Governments of Member States to respect the rights of citizens in this area;

  5. Instructs its President to contact the other relevant EU institutions to ensure that these issues are fully taken into account in the development of Community legislation in the fields of rural development, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and environmental conservation.


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