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Irish MEP calls for EU support for cruelty

Avril Doyle ICABS has learned with disappointment that Irish MEP, Avril Doyle, and three other MEPs from Britain, France and Finland have issued a written declaration to the EU Parliament in support of blood sports, citing the increasing pressure in several member states against what is euphemistically termed in their declaration as "country sports" and "traditional rural pursuits". (The U.K. is poised to ban hunting wild animals with dogs).

ICABS is astonished that, as we approach the new millenium and hopefully enlightenment and compassion in our treatment of sentient creatures, a group of MEPs should see fit to call for barbaric blood sport activities such as live hare coursing and fox hunting to be recognised and supported by the EU Parliament. Joining Avril Doyle in making this declaration are Ms. Noora Kauppi, Finland, Danielle Ducarme, France and Roger Helmer, U.K. ICABS finds it particularly saddening and disappointing that these three women should demonstrate such a lack of pity and compassion for the plight of vulnerable wild animals hounded, tortured and killed for "sport" and entertainment.

We appeal to all Irish citizens who abhor animal cruelty and the hounding of wild animals for "sport" to make their views known to Ms. Avril Doyle, and also to call on our other 14 MEPs to reject this outrageous declaration supporting animal cruelty out of hand.

Wording of declaration issued to European Parliament

13 October

Written Declaration

for entry in the register
pursuant to Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure
by the following Members: Helmer, Kauppi, Ducarme and Doyle
on country sports

The European Parliament

  1. Notes with concern the increasing pressure in several Member states against country sports and traditional rural pursuits;

  2. Recognises the important contribution made by properly regulated traditional country sports to maintenance of the environment, of wildlife and biodiversity, and to rural communities and the rural economy;

  3. Affirms the right of citizens to engage in traditional rural sports and pastimes;

  4. Urges Governments of Member States to respect the rights of citizens in this area;

  5. Instructs its President to contact the other relevant EU institutions to ensure that these issues are fully taken into account in the development of Community legislation in the fields of rural development, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and environmental conservation.

Urgent Letter Writing Appeal - Please Act Now

Demand an end to blood sports in Europe The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is calling on all Irish citizens who are opposed to animal cruelty and the hounding of wild animals for "sport" to immediately:

1. Contact Ms Avril Doyle, MEP, and make your views known to her

2. Contact the other 14 Irish MEPs and urge them to reject this outrageous declaration supporting animal cruelty

Contact Details:

Avril Doyle, Kitestown, Co. Wexford.

Nuala Ahern, 5 Oaklands, Church Lane, Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Niall Andrews, 48 Westbrook Road, Dublin 14.

Mary Banotti, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

Gerry Collins, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

Pat Cox, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

Brian Crowley, 39 Sundays Well Road, Cork.

Proinsias De Rossa, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

Pat the Cope Gallagher, Dungloe, Co. Donegal.

Dana Scallon, European Parliament, Rue Wierts, B-1047, Brussels.

Joe McCartin, Mullyaster, Newtowngore

Jim Fitzsimons, Ardsion, Dublin Road, Navan

Liam Hyland, Fearagh, Ballagolla, Portlaoise, Co. Laois

If you prefer, you can write to the MEPs at:
The European Parliament, Rue Wierts, B-1047, Brussels


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