Slideshow: Farmers and Hunts

Gallery: Farmers and Hunts

1. Poached Land
The damage caused by just three hunters on horseback on land in County Meath.
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poached land

2. Mounted hunter ploughs through hedge
A hunter on horseback jumps through a hedge from a rain-saturated field.
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hunter ploughs through hedge

3. Mounted hunters disturb flock of sheep
Mounted hunters cut across a field and disturb a flock of sheep in the process.
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hunters disturb sheep

4. Wall damaged by mounted hunters
A stone wall left damaged by foxhunters on horseback.
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stone wall damaged

5. Sheep dog attacked by hunt hounds
A farm dog in Galway attacked by foxhounds suffered injuries to its hind quarters, its back and also its paws.
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recovering sheep dog

6. Hunters on saturated land
Mounted hunters in a field saturated with rain water.
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Hunters on saturated land

7. Hunt damage to crop field and ditch
Severe damage to crops caused by a mounted hunt as they moved along the edge of a field.
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Hunt damage to crop field

8. Hounds invading a wildlife sanctuary
A pair of hunt beagles run through a forested sanctuary despite the landowner having made it known to local hunts that the land was preserved.
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Hounds running through sanctuary

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