2014 By-Elections: Candidates and Animal Cruelty Issues

Before you vote in the upcoming elections, please ask candidates where they stand on fox hunting, hare coursing and other animal cruelty issues. Please choose compassionate candidates on Friday 23 May.

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Views of By-election Candidates

Help us expand this list. Question candidates about where they stand and let us know their responses.

Longford-Westmeath By-election

Brian Fagan (Independent candidate, Longford-Westmeath By-election)
"I am against all types of animal cruelty" (to an ICABS representative, May 2014).

Donal Jackson (Independent candidate, Longford-Westmeath By-election)
"I believe it to be unthinkable for anyone to be cruel to an animal and I certainly would never support such a situation. I consider fox hunting and hare coursing to be cruel and unjust and should be banned." from an email to ICABS, May 2014.

Cllr Denis Leonard (Labour Party candidate, Longford-Westmeath By-election)
"I do not agree with cruelty to animals or testing on animals in any form." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Kevin "Boxer" Moran (Independent candidate, Westmeath County Council - Athlone)
"My main political aims, if elected are...lobby for the introduction of a Department of Agriculture supervised cull of unwanted horses."

Dublin West By-election

Cllr Ruth Coppinger (Socialist Party candidate, Dublin West By-election)
"I don't support [foxhunting or hare coursing]." from a text message to ICABS, May 2014.

Roderic O'Gorman (Green Party candidate, Dublin West By-election)
"I have always strongly opposed blood sports, as I believe there is no moral justification for setting one animal against another for human enjoyment. If elected to Fingal County Council I will use all available powers of the local authority to oppose blood sports". Roderic O'Gorman, March 2014

In January 2012, Roderic O'Gorman, along with Green Party leader Eamon Ryan, were thanked for attending an anti-coursing protest outside the Department of Agriculture in Dublin.

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