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Welcome to the Winter 2006-07 issue of Animal Voice, the campaign newsletter of the Irish Council Against Blood Sports. It's our 40th Anniversary edition and it's packed with news, updates, action alerts and success stories. Available to view online or as a downloadable magazine, this is one highly recommended read!
You can view the contents in sections by clicking on the links below or if you prefer, you can view the Full Contents on a single web page. Alternatively, click on the link to download the entire magazine in pdf format.
Animal Voice - Winter 2006-07 (40th Anniversary Edition) | |
Full Contents on one web page (158 Kb)
Printable magazine (2.5 Mb) ![]() | |
Welcome Message | |
We’ll end blood sports: Greens | |
Coursing man fined for obstruction | |
Bank apologises for advert in foxhunt's publication | |
Hare capture raffle: complaint lodged | |
Otter decline sparks fresh call for mink hunting ban | |
Extra deer hunt conditions but suffering will continue | |
Green leader praises ICABS campaigners | |
Hunt notice withdrawn from tipp.ie | |
Coursing meet should have been stopped | |
Hunters aim for "strong links" with the ISPCA | |
We won't sponsor coursing event: pet food company | |
Gregory questions beaglers' kill data | |
Rangers nail bird trapper | |
Receive Animal Voice by email | |
Hounded deer lands on Dublin shop roof | |
Hare mauled by Niall Quinn dog | |
Discontinued: exercising of hunt hounds in lough | |
Hunters on roads: Gay gets evidence | |
Coursing support ceased: Red Mills | |
Two deer hounded to death during hunt | |
Hares "badly mauled by dogs" found dead | |
Hare's leg was almost completely broken off | |
Bullfighting ditched by Kerry firm | |
Greyhounds given drugs | |
Terrier usage is "pure evil" | |
Coursing trips were a pleasure: Minister | |
McCririck condemns race horse whipping | |
Welcome for Failte's anti-hunt move | |
Major thumbs up for draghunting on TG4 | |
Why is hare coursing still permitted here? | |
Ireland faces fines for failing to protect natural habitats | |
Undercover investigator on the trail of the deer hunters | |
You have my support: Benjamin Zephaniah | |
Partial ceasefire for animals, says army | |
Leverets live online | |
Coursers net hares without licence | |
No rangers in blood sport black spots | |
"Rock relics" perform for hunt group | |
Farmer fires over festive foxhunters | |
Thank you to politicians | |
Green TD calls for hare coursing ban | |
IFA "selling out": anti-hunt farm group | |
I have no plans to ban coursing: O'Donoghue | |
Stay away from coursing finals: appeal to minister | |
No link to hunt, insists charity | |
Tourism body reminded of hunt cruelty | |
Rescued orphan | |
Gone to the races: 37% of government sports funds | |
International demo against coursing | |
No more bull, promises car rental firm | |
Harrier hunting horror haunts Dublin driver | |
MEP De Rossa pressing for ban on cat & dog fur | |
TD compares bullfighting to GAA sports | |
Badger is rescued from deadly snare | |
Bullfighting's boring and pointless: Ryanair boss | |
Pamplona man left paralysed | |
Greyhound appeal to ex-Miss World | |
Catch wildlife criminals with CCTV cams | |
Running for the animals | |
ICABS DVD exposes blood sport cruelty | |
Bikers beware Dangerous hunt roadblocks ahead | |
Dept snarers described as blackguards | |
NI majority opposed to fox & deer hunts | |
Another ambulance delayed during hunt | |
Heritage Council grant facilitates killing of rabbits | |
Deli firm had ad in coursing card | |
Hotel to reconsider ad after complaint | |
Foxhunting - cruel and a scourge to farmers | |
Farmers will only ever accept drag hunting | |
Padraic Pearse "totally opposed" to coursing | |
Sports Minister evades dog doping questions | |
Happy ending for rescued road cub | |
Tom expands cruelty exposé on to internet | |
Hunters hire spin doctor! | |
Blooding on rabbits | |
It's "best" for hunters to say nothing to farmers! | |
Clergy out of cruelty - the campaign continues | |
Bands against blood sports | |
Ban bull-bird barbarity: appeal to a president | |
Bullfighting to be removed from student website | |
Shock at Teagasc sheep man's fox killing advice | |
Coursing's medieval and should now be banned | |
Iarnrod Eireann urged to tackle trespassing hunts | |
Coursers told to bog off | |
Letters to the Editors | |
TB in badgers - cattle confirmed as culprits | |
Madonna stops shooting birds | |
Dreadful display from Ronaldo | |
Book Review Fox Makes Friends | |
Thanks to Dublin Support Group | |
Cruel traps recalled after ICABS action | |
Your support is vital | |
Credits | |
Full Contents on one web page (158 Kb)
Printable magazine (2.5 Mb) ![]() |
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