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Irish greyhounds at risk of horrific injuries at Chinese racetrack
12 May 2016

Death row for Irish greyhounds send to China colour

The Irish Council Against Blood Sports is renewing its appeal to the Minister for Agriculture to immediately intervene to stop the export of Irish greyhounds to China. The call follows new revelations that greyhounds are routinely suffering horrific injuries at the infamous Canidrome track, to where at least nine Irish greyhounds have recently been exported.

Bite wounds, torn hip-supporting muscle, fractured paw, lame leg, swollen leg, inflamed joint, wounded tail are just some of the injuries sustained by greyhounds in the past week alone at the Macau track which has been condemned as the world's deadliest.

Details of the injuries were on display on the Canidrome website - - but have now been deleted (See full list below).

As well as wounds and muscle tears, greyhounds were listed as having arthritis, eye infection, ear infection and dermatitis. Incredibly, many dogs with bite wounds, arthritis and torn muscles are said to be "cured" before a clearance certificate is issued for them to be used at the next race.

The disturbing details, relating to race nights on 30th April and May 1st, 2nd and 3rd, show that one dog was found to have "acute hepatitis" and was "Destroyed Immediately For Human [Humane?] Sake".

The names of three of the known Irish greyhounds are now listed on the Canidrome website. They are:

Two Stone Tadgh -
Crossfield Leona -
Crossfield Simon -

The Irish Greyhound Board website reveals that Two Stone Tadgh last raced in Ireland at Curraheen Park Cork in December and that his owner/trainer was Jason Lehane. The last race for both Crossfield Leona and Crossfield Simon, before they were exported to China, was in Clonmel on 22nd January this year. The IGB lists Brendan O'Shea as the owner/trainer.

The Canidrome has been condemned by the international greyhound group, Grey2K, as the world's deadliest, with a high level of fatalities on-track and merciless destruction of dogs who under-perform (believed to total 400 per year). According to Animals Australia - an organisation campaigning for the track to be shut down - "Canidrome is 'death row' for greyhounds. Every dog there will be dead within 3 years. While alive, their lives are miserable. Minimal exercise, minimal social interaction and a tiny barren cell to live in."


Contact the Taoiseach and Agriculture Minister to demand a ban on the export of Irish greyhounds to China.

Michael Creed TD
Minister for Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture House,
Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: +353 (0)1-607 2000 or LoCall 1890-200510.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD
Government Buildings,
Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Tel: +353 (0)1-6194020

Contact Lufthansa and urge them to put in place a policy of not transporting greyhounds from Ireland to China.

Leave a comment on the Lufthansa Facebook page
Send a tweet to Lufthansa @lufthansa
Tel: +353 (0)1 844 4594

Please sign and share the petitions

Stop export of Irish greyhounds to China

Lufthansa: Stop transporting Irish greyhounds to China

Lufthansa: Refuse to transport greyhounds to Canidrome death trap

Shut down the Canidrome, the world's deadliest greyhound racetrack

Injured greyhounds at Canidrome track in past week

May 3rd 2016

Lara Runner - Wound Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Okay Super - Torn Hind Muscle After Race (Injury Certificate Issued)
Ringing Hot - Arthritis Both Side Wrist (Injury Certificate Issued)
Iggy Iggs - Swollen Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Chill Sing - Cut Wounded Web Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Seine River - Wound Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Shadow Panther - Cut Wounded On Web Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Siyan Angel - Cut Wounded Web Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Dragon Hill - Bite Wounds Fore Leg, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)

May 2nd 2016

Fantastic Kuga - Arthritis Both Side Wrist, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
I Remember You - Corn Hind Leg, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Serious Belle - Torn Hind Muscle & Arthritis Wrist, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Sure Sure Sweet - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Creator - Inflamed Both Side Wrist (Sick Certificate Issued)
Flash Tears - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Genius Fighter - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Lucky Turbo - Wound Fore Leg, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Oyster Color - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Speed Swallow - Corn Hind Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Flowers World - Torn Both Side Hind Muscle (Injury Certificate Issued)
Full Speed - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Rush To Win - Inflamed Hock Joint & Eye Infection, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Time Meridah - Wounded Tail, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Elegance - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Miss Victory - Torn Hip Supporting Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Shinjuku Sen - Bruised Hind Muscle, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Winner Lover - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Younger Party - Infected Wound Hind Leg, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Pure Cape - Torn Hind Muscle (Injury Certificate Issued)
Awesome Zander - Ear Infection, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Bound Man - Dermatitis, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Red Win's - Torn Hip Supporting Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)

May 1st 2016

Keep It Firm - Inflamed Both Side Whip Muscle (Sick Certificate Issued)
Proven Maree - Torn Hind Muscle (Injury Certificate Issued)
Frosted Flute - Inflamed Both Side Wrist (Sick Certificate Issued)
Challenger - Strained Both Side Wrist After Race (Injury Certificate Issued)
Tahlia - Torn Pin Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Top Champion - Torn Pin Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Wise Storm - Wound On Fore Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Fantasy Heart - N.A.I.(Post Race Check) (No Apparent Injury)
Ko Ko - Inflamed Wrist (Sick Certificate Issued)
Friends.Com - Torn Hind Muscle, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Gold Exuberant - N.A.I.(Post Race Check) (No Apparent Injury)
Win's Flash - Arthritis Both Side Wrist (Injury Certificate Issued)

April 30th 2016

Aoki Sen - Inflamed Both Side Wrist, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Hot Sal - Fractured On Dew-Claw, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Sprite Point - Cut Wounded On Web Fore Leg (Sick Certificate Issued)
Sure Sure Income - Strained Both Side Wrist, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Luckynews.Com - Inflamed Both Side Wrist, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Speed Lover - Inflamed Both Side Wrist & Pin Muscle, Sickness Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Dongguan Boys - Acute Hepatitis. (Destroyed Immediately For Human Sake.) (Injury Certificate Issued)
Happy Magic - Torn Hip Supporting Muscle (Injury Certificate Issued)
Keep To Beauty - Lame Fore Leg, Injury Has Been Cured (Clearance Certificate Issued)
Worth Hearing - Torn Hind Muscle (Injury Certificate Issued)

injuries may 3rdinjuries may 2ndinjuries may 1stinjuries april 30th

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