latest news asked to stop publicising cruel bullfighting events
09 April 2015 is being asked to stop publicising bullfighting and providing links to sites selling bullfighting tickets. On the GoSpain page, travel writer Damian Corrigan declares: "I recommend heading for the bullring as soon as you arrive in the city to secure your tickets."

Dates and locations are listed along with links to bullfighting websites where tickets may be purchased.

Elsewhere on, the torturing and killing of bulls is described as "art". Beneath a photo of a matador plunging a sword into the bleeding body of a bull, it is stated: "The exact manner in which the fighter takes the bull's life is important to the art."

In a letter to CEO Neil Vogel and CEO of parent company InterActive Corp, Jeff Kip, ICABS stated: "Bullfighting is an extremely cruel and violent activity in which bulls are terrorised, tortured and killed. Most holidaymakers lured in to the bullrings are left feeling shocked and disgusted at the bloody scenes they witness. Please show compassion and remove bullfighting from your website."


Sign our petition - Stop publicising cruel bullfighting events

Urge InterActive Corp and to stop publicising bullfighting on their website.

Mr Neil Vogel, Mr Jeff Kip
CEO, / InterActive Corp
Tel: +1 212 314 7277 (New York)
Twitter: @neilvogel @AboutTravel @gospain

Dear Mr Vogel and Mr Kip,

I am writing to appeal to you to please act to remove bullfighting content from is shamefully publicising bullfighting and providing links to sites where bullfighting tickets may be purchased -

As you are no doubt aware, bullfighting is an extremely cruel and violent activity in which bulls are terrorised, tortured and killed.

Many holidaymakers lured in to the bullrings are left feeling shocked and disgusted at the bloody scenes they witness. It is wholly unacceptable for to publicise this cruelty and encourage tourists to support it.

Please show compassion for the animals and act now to remove bullfighting content from your website.

Thank you. I look forward to your positive response.

Your sincerely,


Video: the horrific cruelty of bullfighting

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