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Help reduce animal deaths on the roads
25 November 2014

Help reduce animal deaths on the roads. Slow down for wildlife and install a wildlife warning device to the front of your vehicle.

When air flows through the device, it emits ultrasonic sound waves which warn most types of animals of the approaching vehicle. The occupants of the vehicle (including animals) don’t hear a thing.

The warning signal starts working at 30 MPH and alerts animals up to 400 yards away. The Sav-a-Life brand of device has been tested and found to be 80% effective. The company says its product has been used for millions of miles by law enforcement, state troopers and sheriff departments across America.

The wildlife warning devices are available to purchase online, for example at:

Deer Alert Deer Warning Device 30 Day 2 In. X 2 In.

Deer Alert Deer Warning Device 30 Day 2 In. X 2 In.

Buy from Amazon

Find out more about the devices at

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